Some photos of Red-Yellow, in the only part of the world where they both speak Italian, and have the red-yellow sequence just like the rest of Switzerland, and all of Germany and Austria.

Ecco un po' delle foto dei semafori nella fase "rosso-gialla" insieme. Questa fase si trova nel Ticino anche come il resto Svizzera (eccetto un paio a Ginevra), Germania, Austria, Repubblica Ceca, Polonia, Ungheria e tanti altri paesi del nord.

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Qualche foto sono da Angelfire blocatte. Grazie per il vostro accordo.
Chiasso (border with Italy)

Note the next two photos prove that it is possible to take two photos of the same phase within two seconds.

Note, the signal closest to the train station is the southernmost red-yellow signal in Switzerland and possibly all of Europe? Maybe not, 'cos Gibraltar might have red-yellow(?)

Lugano (largest town in Ticino)
Già Cinque/five already:
Piazza Dante, in the center of Lugano.

More to come from Lugano, and its neighbour city to the southeast, Paradiso, home of the San Salvatore cable car
Bellinzona (Cantonal capital)
Actually I have only one from Bellinzona but it hasn't been scanned in yet...

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