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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, Wizardry and Worship

This is the site creators speaking out of character right now. Be warned before that if you don't like Harry Potter, you may die. Very quickly. Avada Kedavra! This is an IRL life Hogwarts cult (j/k[sorta]). If you know us, talk to us. We're happy to let you join, after you fill the requirements. If you would like to join this cult, and you don't know us, know this: (Luke, I am...uh, never mind) YOU CAN JOIN! There will, of course, be an honor system, and if we do find out that you cheated, you're kicked out. If you aren't interested in a virtual Hogwarts, go visit our shrine. Oh, and by the way, this is where we put all our announcements. Now back into character...

Welcome to Hogwarts!

We at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, Wizardry, and Worship, are still in our opening stages. We have finally found a Head of Hufflepuff! We need everyone's applications! PLEASE! If you would like to become a student at HSWWW, there are also requirements, although not as many.
1. You must have read all four Harry Potter books at least once.
2. You must pass an entrance exam (Do not be afraid, it's really easy).
3. You must be sorted by our Sorting Test.
4. You must be obsessed.
Prof. Linzi Lengley
Prof. Nova Arkivina
Prof. Destiny Malzen
Prof. Morgan Irma Berfield

Now, on to Hogwarts! Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, Wizardry, and Worship