These are my wyld and zany friends.

  • *Amanda*This girl is so awesome! i just recently started to chill with her, but she is so kool! we have so much in common. i swear, we are kindrid spirits. silly.

    *Trev Trev* this guy is so great! he is a crack up and a riot and half to hang out with! his mom recently moved him to idaho and i miss him dearly! COME HOME TREVER!

  • *Nathan again* nate bob is such a great guy. i love him so much. he's always there for me and cares so much. i'm glad he's a good friend again.

  • *amy* amy is hella kool. i have known her forever (about 3 or 4 years now). we haven't been as close as we were..but we're getting closer as time goes by. i love you man!

  • *John* john is awesome! he moved to santa rosa which saddens me deeply...i still love him though! i miss him so much. he's just such a great guy. and awesome to party with.

    *FUBU* i love stephanie. she is a good friend of mine now (that she stopped hating me...). she is also my brother's girlfriend (and mine...hehe). she's so cute and silly. i love talking to her and hanging out with her.

    *James*where to start about james...i don't think there is anywhere! he's a riot to hang out with, always making people laugh. he is also the singer of non partisan (very nice..very nice) and is hillarious when he's drunk.

  • *MiKeL* mike's hella kool. he's one of my best friends...also my older brother. it's like having a best friend that lives at home..if i were ever home.

    *Dallas* I LOVE DALLAS!!! this is my wife. she is great. i love her lots!

  • *tamara and courtney* Tamera is hella kool. i love her but never really get to hang out with her. she used to live in arizona but she's back here now. Courtney is kool too. she lives up the street from me and such a happy little thing.

  • *Kimba* i never really talk to this girl anymore. oh well though. i still see her every once in awhile and that's kool.

  • *Wes Kitty* this is my wes kitty, i love her, she's like part of the family! she's so tiny and cute!

  • *Silly mike* this is a pretty old pic of mike, but i love it so much! he is awesome.

  • *Amy Baby* this is my amy baby being a silly silly goose. isn't she just the cutest?! i know she is!!

  • *krista and brian* kool people. that's all i have to say. and i love them.

  • *pat pat* oh god..little pat pat. she is one awesome chick! at the moment she is prego with paul's baby. it's going to be so cute! i love her, she is so sweet and such a cutie too!
  • *Christina*i've known christina since we were in the 6th grade, that's when she moved here from k-ville i do believe. she's pretty kool. she's so silly. i miss her cuz we never talk anymore.

  • *Hillary*i haven't talked to hillary in days. it's okay though. i miss her a lot.

  • *Leslie*Leslie used to be a lot closer to me, but now she like hates me or sumthing. i don't know.

  • *Dougie*this is dougie. he used to like me a lot more than her does right now. he was my best friend...but i don't know. i still love him to death and hold very close to my heart...but lately he seems not to care for me.

  • *Jacob*he's a kool guy. doesn't really talk to me anymore...but he's kool.

  • *NiCoLe*McNickie! i love this girl. she is so great. yep yep. she always has a way of putting a smile on anyone's face. that's why i love her so much!

  • *Melinda* mindy is such a cutie. she's so adorable and could most likely get by in life just on her looks.

  • *Nathan*aww, there's nathan and courtney. what nerds...but i love them.