Rumors and Facts!
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Rumors and Facts!
Welcome to Facts and Rumors. Here you can find out all about what's been heard and what has been proved!


Book 5 Rumors

We will find out the reason Voldemort killed Harry's parents!
Lupin will be a major character in this book!
Lily potter's maiden name will be revealed!
Hermione will become a prefect (big surprise)!
Harry may go and live with Sirius Black!

Book 6 Rumors

The title may be "Harry Potter and the Green Flame Torch"!
The Denfence Against the Dark Arts teacher may be Lupin's brother!
Lupin's brother may be named Romulus Lupin!
Harry tries to kill Voldemort, but fails!
Harry might play Quidditch for England!

Book 7 Rumors

Nevil Longbottom will become a Herbology teacher!
The last word of the book is "scar"!
Hermione becomes Head Girl!
Harry and Malfoy team up to fight an evil force!
Perter Pettigrew will make a return!
We'll find out why only some people become ghosts!

Harry Potter Movie

Chris Columbus the director of "Home Alone" will direct it!
Rosie O' Donald wants to play Mrs. Weasley!
Some of the screen shots will be done in Scotland!
It will be in theaters Noveber 16, 2001

Here are the kids to play Hermione,Harry, and Ron!

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