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Glory & Honor Fellowship
About Us

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About Us

The Glory & Honor Fellowship started as The Glory Girls, an all girl Christian Rockabilly fellowship. I just knew a couple of girls who were into both Rockabilly and loving the Lord, but it gets a bit discouraging when you don't have many friends into the rockabilly culture and who share similar values. It makes you wonder if being into Rockabilly is alright in God's eyes or if it's just a stumbling block in our Christian walk.

The thought of the fellowship had been brewing back in 1997, and then in 1999 we went ahead and started up The Glory Girls . From having this website on the internet, many more ladies joined the club, and soon guys were emailing us wanting to be a part of it. Soon after, we added a male division and named them The Honor Boys, asking Pastor Dan Kimball (he leads Vintage Faith, an exciting Sunday night service at Santa Cruz Bible Church) to be the club's Official Minister, and he accepted with great enthusiasm. Since the 2 groups united making the Glory & Honor Fellowship, we've gotten a lot of positive feedback and encouragement. What started out with 2 members is now up to 100+! We have Chapters spread throughout the United States and even one in Europe.

It's been a great blessing from God. He gives us encouragement, strength, guidance, support, and love through our members. Many of them belong to or have played with various bands and artists, (such as: This Train, The Lifters, The Screamin Rays, Ruby Joe, The DuValls, The Huntingtons, The Colemans, The Thrift Shop Junkies, Jet Noir, Sleepy La Beefe, and recently, we've had the pleasure of having our very well-known and respected Wanda Jackson join the Fellowship.) It's very exciting to see what the Lord's been doing in the fellowship.

We hold weekly online chat rooms to get to know each other and fellowship. Many of the Chapters have already met, and continue to meet for Bible studies, concerts, car shows, shopping, or just to get together and have fun.

When the group began, it focused towards those who loved God and Rockabilly music. Many of the people who joined, though, weren't primarily interested in Rockabilly- some were into other rockin' music from the 50s, and some just liked the cars more... so we decided to broaden the focus towards those who love God and appreciate any music and/or lifestyle of the 1950s. Many of the members are very involved with the whole 50s subculture, dressing in vintage clothing, styling their hair in a classic do' or a greasy pompadour, collecting old records, going out to dance at Rockabilly shows, driving classic cars, furnishing their house with vintage furniture and appliances... and then others may only choose to go as far as listening to the music, or having a passion for classic cars. It really depends on the person, but whatever it may be, if it's glorifying to God we support it all.

To have this fellowship here to encourage us is one of the best blessings ever! Many people in the culture think that in order to be into the lifestyle you have to be evil or dark... which when you think of it, is very silly. If you listen to a lot of the Rock N Roll back then, you'll see that they're not praising sin or trying to pull off some evil front. Many of the greatest contributers to Rock N Roll were Christians: Johnny Cash, Elvis, Jerry Lee, Carl Perkins, Little Richard, Wanda Jackson, and the list could go on forever! Sure, they've had their share of sin just like anyone else, but that doesn't change the fact they love the Lord. The Glory & Honor Fellowship thinks it's very important to let others know the reality of God's love. That is that God will love you unconditionally. No matter how badly you sin or mess up, He'll always love you. And you don't have to work at getting to Heaven. All you need to do is believe in God and love Him and ask Him into your life.

I think I can speak for all of us when I say that this club is going to be used greatly. We have so much faith that God is going to use us to show others that Christianity's not about a dull life. On the contrary, I've gotten to meet some of the greatest people ever through this group. It is, and will continue to be, a great source of God's love and support.

Thanks for your interest in the Glory & Honor Fellowship. If you want to join, fill out a profile. God bless!


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