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Writers of the Storm - click for bigger version of cover
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I loved this booklet, with the intriguing beautiful Ruby's cover. The stories were all interesting and well-written, showing how different personalities interpreted and sensed the Wraeththu world. It's my little piece of Grissecon, and I'm very glad I bought it. My
compliments to all the gentle ladies who wrote and illustrated it!

- Angelo Ventura

Writers of the Storm

A Wraeththu Fan Fiction Anthology

This is the first collection of its kind; an anthology of stories by writers other than Storm Constantine set in the world of Wraeththu. The stories here were written for a fiction competition organised to coincide with Grissecon, the first Wraeththtu convention. The theme of the anthology is Grissecon itself, which in the novels means Wraeththtu ritual sex magick. Naturally, because of the theme, these stories are erotic in nature, but never crude.

The writers are, Wendy Darling, Addie Fielding, Bridgette Parker, Martina Pachali, Maria Leel and Deborah Clark. (Most of these writers have stories already posted on the Forever fan fiction web site, but these stories are brand new and not available anywhere else.)

Each story is beautifully illustrated by Deborah Clark and the cover design is by Ruby.


  • Prices are: £2.25 UK, $4.00 US. Price includes taxes, postage and handling.
  • Can be purchased via PayPal (see below).


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