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Poetry 'n' Stuff

"..Is everybody in?
..Is everybody in?
The ceremony is about to begin..

'The movie will begin in five moments,'
The mindless voice announced,
'All those unseated will await the next show.'

We filed slowly, languidly into the hall.
The auditorium was vast and silent.
As we seated and darkened, the voice continued:
'The program for this evening is not new,
You've seen this entertainment through and through.
You've seen your birth, your life and death,
You might recall all of the rest.
Did you have a good world when you died?
Enough to base a movie on?'"

--Jim Morrison
An American Prayer

Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends! My name is Katie, and if you should happen to have any questions throughout the tour, please feel free to shout out my name... No, for the first time in a long while, that actually wasn't a sexual reference.
But yes, you came here for poetry, and poetry is exactly what you're getting. Don't expect any'a that fancy Javascript crap--I'm really not in the mood to program anything
(...for god's sake, note that this page was made on freakin' Angelfire).
Anywho, I can't say I'm altogether too proud of the small number of poems on this site, but when I saw Ben, Joanna, and Melissa's pages, i was like "hell yeah, that's what i wanna do!" ..err somethin'.. and I figure I've read most'a this crap in Poetry Club anyway, so there's not much to be ashamed of...

Ah, and by the way, on the request of Meghan, I've added a guest book... so SIGN IT!

Check Out Da Book!
Sign Da Book!

...And while we're on the subject of non-poetry, check out my little why-you-should-fall-head-over-heals-in-love-with-jon page... It's very enlightening :O}

Love Him

..but without any further nonsense, here it is... Da Poetry


Smoke and Mirrors
The Porcelain Doll and Moses
An Ode to his Chest Hair
Just Another Conquest
Astronaut Musician
Stage Magician
