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Loki's Domain

<6/5/02;1:08am> Added a revews page, updated the quotes page. Go see them. That is all.

<5/8/02;1:13am> Well, I started an online journal now. Guess I'll keep my thoughts and such in it, for those of you who care. ;) Use the link below to get to it. I also took a whole bunch of those test thingy's were they tell what tye of this and that you are, as can be seen below. Oh well. I added one quote, too, soooo, bleh.

<4/23/02; 9:56pm> Something weird happened to the main page, here, so I scraped it all and restarted. Bleh, it wasn't so great anyway. Oh well, at least I'm working...*mumblemumble*

<4/25/02; 11:09pm> Fixed some things on the quotes page and added somemore quotes.

Pokemon page
Final Fantasy 7 page
Final Fantasy 8 page
Quotes page
Insults page
Ferrets page
Logs page
Megaman Page
My online Journal
Reviews page
