Erin's Backstreet Fan Fics

My Stories
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Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Erin AKA Ghetto Erin or as my family calls me Erin B. Here I host my fanfiction and maybe others. This site is only BSB fanfiction. If you don't like the dissing of ex girlfriends than I warn you I do make fun of Mandy aka Nick's ex girl but I mostly don't about the other girlfriends and wife's. It's all harmless fun so don't take it seriously. I love the BSB and support them in everything they do. I'll try to update my site every now and then with new chapters of every story so come back.


1/03/02- HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!! How is everybody doing this new year so far? Me... I'm doing pretty damn good. Sorry for not updating for the longest time.I know you all missed me especially you Lil Lissa J/K. I'm putting up new chapters for Love Me Thats All I Ask and Happy to Sad. I haven't really had time to write but I've been trying to on my Christmas break. I'm so happy I still have a few more days left to chill before going back to school. Anyways I hope you all like the chapters. I'll try to put up more pictures too.

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