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* TOP OF THE 1st, Bandits 0, Wranglers 0

Well, hi, everybody! ... it's series time ... I'm Ernie Harwell

and welcome to Blythe Bandits baseball ... join the crowd and enjoy the action

here on 66 WAPBA ... today we're coming to you from Prescott ... where the Bandits will meet

the hometown Wranglers before a hostile crowd ... this is the Championship Series!

Game Number One ... in this 7-game series ... these two teams have fought for privilege

their reward is the contest now joined ... the Wranglers take the field here in the first

here's how it lines up defensively for the Wranglers ... Al OLIVER at first base

Manny TRILLO at second ... Lou BOUDREAU the shortstop ... Johnny BUSHLAND at third

across the outfield ... in left it's Koji YAMAMOTO ... in center Bobby RAYBURN

and over in right Tony GWYNN ... Jim SUNDBERG is behind the plate

and the Prescott mound artist ... the right-handed chucker Jim PALMER ... pretty good control

he'll be facing Bandits starter ... right-hander Mike TORRES

we'll tell you about him in the bottom half ... sluggers love this park

you can reach the fence with a fly ball ... so settle in ... this is a championship game

Gene RICHARDS will start it off here in the 1st ... he's a lefty

RICHARDS is up here for the first time in the series ... RICHARDS good at the plate

The batter stands in

PALMER prepares to come home

* G. RICHARDS facing J. PALMER, T 1st, No Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

PALMER deals ... hard two-bouncer to short ... BOUDREAU covers it...plenty of time ... fires

and there's one away

Omar MORENO bat in hand

Omar for the first time in the series ... he'll take advantage of your mistakes

MORENO stands in

PALMER prepares to come home

* O. MORENO facing J. PALMER, T 1st, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

PALMER winds up ... MORENO lifts one ... it's a big league pop-up ... going back is TRILLO

waving his arms ... he calls off GWYNN ... and makes the catch ... two away

Alright... ... we have right-handed Bob MEUSEL to bat ... for the Bandits ... hitting third

two away

MEUSEL is up here for the first time in the series ... Bob can pound the ball

MEUSEL settles himself in the box

PALMER gets set to pitch

* B. MEUSEL facing J. PALMER, T 1st, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

PALMER now ... stroked solidly to left field ... YAMAMOTO's right there ... and hauls it in

side retired

So the Bandits go quietly ... Bandits nothing Wranglers coming up

* BOTTOM OF THE 1st, Bandits 0, Wranglers 0

The Bandits take the field here in the first ... Buck Miller IV has set his opening slate

Willie McCOVEY at first base ... Nellie FOX at second ... Tony KUBEK the shortstop

Al COWENS at third ... across the outfield ... in left it's Gene RICHARDS

in center Omar MORENO ... and over in right Bob MEUSEL ... Johnny BENCH is behind the plate

and on the mound for the Bandits ... the right-hander Mike TORRES

Tony GWYNN leading it off

GWYNN is up here for the first time in the series ... he's gives any pitcher fits

GWYNN waits

Mike TORRES staring in ... ready to work

* T. GWYNN facing M. TORRES, B 1st, No Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

The pitch comes in ... that's high and deep by GWYNN ... MORENO is on the run ... on the run

it's starting to tail away from him ... he makes the catch ... one away

Manny TRILLO is the next hitter

For Manny his first at bat in the series ... TRILLO good at the plate

TORRES ready

* M. TRILLO facing M. TORRES, B 1st, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

TORRES kicks and deals ... lined to left center ... giving chase is MORENO

he hightails it to the track ... and he snares it on the fly ... two away

Next up...Prescott hitter Al OLIVER

OLIVER is up here for the first time in the series ... Al a strong hitter

TORRES looking home

* A. OLIVER facing M. TORRES, B 1st, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

The pitch ... pulled toward second ... just out of reach ... OLIVER rounds first and holds

he's on with a single

Next to bat for Prescott ... is the left-handed hitting Bobby RAYBURN ... runner on first two outs

Bobby for the first time in the series ... very dependable power

The slugger stands in

TORRES looking in

* B. RAYBURN facing M. TORRES, B 1st, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Tied 0-0

The pitch ... RAYBURN pounds it on the ground ... FOX stops it on one hop

shovels to KUBEK for the force ... three down

The line for the Wranglers ... no runs on one hit ... they leave 1 ... a chance goes by the board

no score ... we head for the top of the second inning

* TOP OF THE 2nd, Bandits 0, Wranglers 0

For Blythe here in the 2nd ... McCOVEY BENCH and COWENS

Well ... Willie McCOVEY to lead it off for the Bandits ... batting left

McCOVEY is up here for the first time in the series ... looks for those extra bases

McCOVEY steps in

PALMER prepares to come home

* W. McCOVEY facing J. PALMER, T 2nd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

PALMER brings it ... there's called third strike ... right down the pike

but McCOVEY couldn't unshoulder his bat ... he must have been looking for something else

one away

Johnny BENCH bat in hand

BENCH is up here for the first time in the series ... a productive power hitter

The hitter stands in

Jim SUNDBERG ready to receive

* J. BENCH facing J. PALMER, T 2nd, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

PALMER to the wind ... in the dirt ... ball one

BENCH ready to take on PALMER again

PALMER gets set to work on him

* J. BENCH facing J. PALMER, T 2nd, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

Now the pitch ... right by him ... strike three ... two away

Al COWENS coming up

COWENS is up here for the first time in the series ... COWENS good at the plate

COWENS stands in

SUNDBERG sets up

* A. COWENS facing J. PALMER, T 2nd, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

Here comes the pitch ... breaking ball ... cut on ... and missed ... COWENS goes down swinging

side retired

So the Bandits go quietly ... Prescott due up

* BOTTOM OF THE 2nd, Bandits 0, Wranglers 0

YAMAMOTO BUSHLAND and SUNDBERG due up for Prescott

Leading off Koji YAMAMOTO

For Koji his first at bat in the series ... Koji can pound the ball

YAMAMOTO now ready

TORRES focuses in on the target

* K. YAMAMOTO facing M. TORRES, B 2nd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

Now the delivery ... it's grounded into the hole ... McCOVEY to his right ... and it's through

YAMAMOTO's on at first

One on ... we have Johnny BUSHLAND coming up to hit ... he hits from the right

For Johnny his first at bat in the series ... a trusty bat ... YAMAMOTO with average speed

TORRES gets set to work on him

* J. BUSHLAND facing M. TORRES, B 2nd, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Tied 0-0

TORRES with the pitch ... fastball ... just inside ... ball one

So BUSHLAND steps back in

Now TORRES ready

* J. BUSHLAND facing M. TORRES, B 2nd, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Tied 0-0

He wheels and deals ... it's back to him at the mound ... TORRES turns and throws to second

in time for the out ... and BUSHLAND's on at first ... and there's one away

One on ... Jim SUNDBERG steps up to face TORRES

SUNDBERG is up here for the first time in the series ... a dependable hitter

BUSHLAND at first not known for his speed

BENCH sets up

* J. SUNDBERG facing M. TORRES, B 2nd, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Tied 0-0

BUSHLAND takes his lead ... TORRES comes to him ... routine fly ball ... center field ... MORENO

backs ... and he makes the catch ... and there are now two away

BUSHLAND hurries back to first

Lou BOUDREAU coming up

BOUDREAU is up here for the first time in the series ... he gets his share of hits

Mike TORRES staring in ... ready to work

* L. BOUDREAU facing M. TORRES, B 2nd, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Tied 0-0

He wheels and deals ... half swing ... it's popped up ... BENCH's out ... McCOVEY's in

BENCH calls him off ... and he covers it ... for the third out

That'll do it for Prescott ... nothing across ... one left on

they fail to capitalize on the runner ... no score as we go to the top of the third inning

* TOP OF THE 3rd, Bandits 0, Wranglers 0

PALMER will now face the bottom of the Bandits lineup ... FOX KUBEK and TORRES coming up

Nellie FOX to lead it off for the Bandits

For Nellie his first at bat in the series ... FOX good at the plate

Catcher SUNDBERG sets his target

* N. FOX facing J. PALMER, T 3rd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Tied 0-0

The delivery ... FOX slaps it on the ground toward right ... this one has eyes

right between TRILLO and OLIVER for a base hit ... FOX couldn't have thrown it in a better spot

for Blythe ... the 1st hit in this game

Now at bat Tony KUBEK

Tony for the first time in the series ... a sure hitter ... FOX has some speed

KUBEK takes his stance

Jim PALMER staring in ... ready to work

* T. KUBEK facing J. PALMER, T 3rd, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Tied 0-0

Firstbaseman OLIVER holding the runner on ... he wheels and deals ... on the hands ... popped up

BUSHLAND's waving off the others ... he's under it ... he puts it away

Now coming up Mike TORRES

For Mike his first at bat in the series

Jim SUNDBERG ready to receive

* M. TORRES facing J. PALMER, T 3rd, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Tied 0-0

He squares ... PALMER comes home ... bunted toward first ... OLIVER fields it

looks down to second ... and tosses to TRILLO covering first ... for the easy out

TORRES sacrifices ... FOX moves down to second

For Blythe ... FOX down at second two gone ... it's now Gene RICHARDS to bat

PALMER looking in at the target

* G. RICHARDS facing J. PALMER, T 3rd, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Tied 0-0

The delivery from PALMER ... base hit right field ... it drops in front of GWYNN

he has to play the long bounce ... FOX's around third ... they're waving FOX in ... and he scores

as the throw comes in to second ... RICHARDS holds at first with a single

Bandits 1, Wranglers 0

So RICHARDS with a ribbie-single ... and the Bandits go ahead by a run 1-0 ... here in the 3rd

Omar MORENO up

MORENO waits

PALMER gets set to work on him

* O. MORENO facing J. PALMER, T 3rd, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Ahead 1-0

Firstbaseman OLIVER holding the runner on ... he comes home ... just inside

now RICHARDS is sprinting toward second ... SUNDBERG fires it down ... nails him!

SUNDBERG got rid of that ball in a hurry ... side retired

That'll do it for Blythe ... a run on 2 hits ... so they have one in the bank

the score now stands 1-0 Bandits ... as we head for the bottom of the third inning

* BOTTOM OF THE 3rd, Bandits 1, Wranglers 0

For Prescott it'll be ... PALMER GWYNN and TRILLO

Leading off Jim PALMER

For Jim his first at bat in the series

Jim waits

Now TORRES ready

* J. PALMER facing M. TORRES, B 3rd, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 0-1

He lets one go ... lined ... KUBEK leaps ... but he won't get it ... and PALMER's on at first

One on ... here's GWYNN to take his swings

PALMER won't wander far from first

The hitter stands in

TORRES looking home

* T. GWYNN facing M. TORRES, B 3rd, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 0-1

TORRES with the pitch ... fly ball ... long ball ... MORENO posts himself under it

and he makes the catch ... notch one ... PALMER hurries back to first

For Prescott ... one away PALMER on first ... next up Manny TRILLO

Manny ready


* M. TRILLO facing M. TORRES, B 3rd, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Behind 0-1

Now he comes home with it ... one-hopper back to the mound ... TORRES up with it ... throws to first

in time for the out ... PALMER moves to second on the play ... and there are now two away

PALMER standing out at second two away ... Al OLIVER now walks out to bat ... he bats left-handed

PALMER on second

Al ready

BENCH sets up

* A. OLIVER facing M. TORRES, B 3rd, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Behind 0-1

The offering ... grounded deep into the hole ... KUBEK is over...stabs for it ... he stops it

long throw to first ... to retire the side

The half for the Wranglers ... no runs on one hit ... they leave 1

they had a chance but could not convert ... the score is still 1-0 Blythe

as we go to the top of the fourth inning

* TOP OF THE 4th, Bandits 1, Wranglers 0

Prescott will now face the Blythe strength ... MORENO MEUSEL and McCOVEY

Omar MORENO to lead it off for the Bandits ... he's a port-sider

He stands in

Right-hander PALMER goes to the set position

* O. MORENO facing J. PALMER, T 4th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 1-0

The pitch ... hard shot to the right side ... OLIVER to his right ... it's by him

base hit for MORENO

Bandits hitter Bob MEUSEL

SUNDBERG talking with PALMER ... they want to hold MORENO close

The hitter stands in

PALMER gets set to pitch

* B. MEUSEL facing J. PALMER, T 4th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Ahead 1-0

MORENO bluffs going ... they start the runner ... it's a bullet to BOUDREAU ... he spears it

over to first ... double play!

Bandits hitter Willie McCOVEY

Jim SUNDBERG ready to receive

* W. McCOVEY facing J. PALMER, T 4th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 1-0

PALMER into his motion ... delivers ... popped high in front of the plate

SUNDBERG tosses his mask away ... waves off BUSHLAND ... and he's got it ... three down

For the Bandits ... no runs one hit ... so the Bandits maintain their thin lead

the score still stands 1-0 Wranglers down ... as we head for the bottom of the fourth inning

* BOTTOM OF THE 4th, Bandits 1, Wranglers 0

For Prescott here in the 4th ... RAYBURN YAMAMOTO and BUSHLAND

Leading off Bobby RAYBURN

BENCH crouched down now

* B. RAYBURN facing M. TORRES, B 4th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 0-1

TORRES comes home ... routine grounder to second ... he's up with it ... he flips to McCOVEY

and they get him ... one away

Now at bat Koji YAMAMOTO

The slugger stands in

TORRES focuses in on the target

* K. YAMAMOTO facing M. TORRES, B 4th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 0-1

The pitch ... YAMAMOTO lofts an air-job to left ... RICHARDS and MORENO range over

RICHARDS says he'll take it ... and he covers it ... two down

Johnny BUSHLAND will bat next for Prescott ... a right-sider

Pitcher TORRES set to go

* J. BUSHLAND facing M. TORRES, B 4th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 0-1

TORRES winds and fires ... poked to left center ... it's playable ... RICHARDS and MORENO converge

MORENO calls him off ... and he pulls it in ... he closed that gap in a hurry ... side retired

So the Wranglers are retired in order ... the score is still 1-0 Blythe

as we go to the top of the fifth inning

* TOP OF THE 5th, Bandits 1, Wranglers 0

For Blythe here in the 5th ... BENCH COWENS and FOX

Johnny BENCH leading it off

He'll take advantage of your mistakes

Right-hander PALMER ready

* J. BENCH facing J. PALMER, T 5th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 1-0

The pitch ... can't find the strike zone ... that's ball four ... and BENCH coaxes a walk

and that's the 1st walk issued by PALMER ... that was BENCH's first walk of the series

Al COWENS comes up to bat

He gets his share of hits ... it would take power to score BENCH

COWENS waits

PALMER prepared to work

* A. COWENS facing J. PALMER, T 5th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Ahead 1-0

The offering from PALMER ... it's hit hard over third ... base hit ... YAMAMOTO's racing to the line

still running ... he picks it up ... BENCH rounds third ... the throw comes in to BOUDREAU

they're holding BENCH at third ... and COWENS's in standing with a double

The Bandits have ... no outs two on...first base is open

here's Nellie FOX to hit for the Bandits ... batting left ... batting seventh

He had a hit earlier ... FOX recently known as a solid hitter

he almost always puts the ball into play ... starter Mike TORRES looking strong

to stay in this game the Wranglers need to stop them here ... they're down by 1

PALMER works the ball with his hand ... Nellie stands in ... waits

Jim PALMER climbs the mound ... PALMER looking in at the target

* N. FOX facing J. PALMER, T 5th, No Outs, 2nd and 3rd, Ahead 1-0

Infield deep ... he lets it go ... hard bouncer to TRILLO ... he charges ... scoops it

BENCH's being held at third ... the throw goes to first ... one away

Two on ... the next Bandits batter is KUBEK ... batting eighth

A trusty bat ... he almost always puts the ball into play

PALMER shakes out his right arm ... KUBEK at the plate ... lowers the bat an inch or two

leans in

Jim PALMER climbs the mound

* T. KUBEK facing J. PALMER, T 5th, 1 Out, 2nd and 3rd, Ahead 1-0

Wranglers playing for the out at first ... BENCH frozen on third ... he comes home

off the end of the bat ... OLIVER moves for it ... and he spears it!

he flips to PALMER covering ... for the second out ... BENCH has to hold third

Two on ... the top of the fifth inning ... next up pitcher Mike TORRES

Pitcher PALMER eyeing TORRES ... now he's ready

* M. TORRES facing J. PALMER, T 5th, 2 Outs, 2nd and 3rd, Ahead 1-0

The runners take their lead ... the pitch ... it's off his elbow

that's his 1st time clobbered in the series ... the umpire is calling time ... the trainer's out

TORRES's in pain ... but he seems to be OK ... and he makes his way slowly down to first

and the bases are loaded

RICHARDS is out to take his hacks ... the Bandits have ... two gone bases full

Gene is a tough out ... he singled earlier

RICHARDS wipes his left sleeve across his forehead ... PALMER bends for the rosin bag

RICHARDS takes his place in the box ... leans in

PALMER on the rubber ... right-hander PALMER goes to the set position

* G. RICHARDS facing J. PALMER, T 5th, 2 Outs, Bases Loaded, Ahead 1-0

The runners take their lead ... PALMER delivers ... rapped back to the mound ... and he spears it!

throws to first ... for the third out

The line for the Bandits ... no runs one hit ... they leave 3

so the Bandits fail to capitalize on the bases full situation ... we've played four and a half

Wranglers still down by 1

* BOTTOM OF THE 5th, Bandits 1, Wranglers 0

Bottom of the lineup ... SUNDBERG BOUDREAU and PALMER coming up

Here's Jim SUNDBERG to lead it off ... a right-sider

TORRES gets set to work on him

* J. SUNDBERG facing M. TORRES, B 5th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 0-1

Now he comes home with it ... grounded hard to short ... KUBEK fields it

over to McCOVEY at first ... in plenty of time ... for out number one

Here's Lou BOUDREAU coming to the plate

He'll wait for his pitch

BOUDREAU waiting

TORRES looking home

* L. BOUDREAU facing M. TORRES, B 5th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 0-1

The pitch ... hit in the air to left field ... RICHARDS backpedals ... plenty of room

and he covers it ... two down

Next to bat for Prescott is Jim PALMER ... two down

And the fans are giving him a hand ... in the series ... he's 1 for 1

PALMER steps in

TORRES looking in

* J. PALMER facing M. TORRES, B 5th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 0-1

The pitch ... pounded off the plate ... BENCH's up ... he waits on it ... and he drops it!

PALMER's on at first ... score that an error on BENCH ... the tying run is on

Now coming to bat for the Wranglers Tony GWYNN

GWYNN has done nothing in two trips

TORRES gets set to pitch

* T. GWYNN facing M. TORRES, B 5th, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 0-1

He brings it home ... banged to right ... and it drops ... MEUSEL takes it on the hop

PALMER's well around second ... but the coach flashes the stop sign

they're holding PALMER at second ... as the throw comes in ... and Tony is on with a single

Okay ... TRILLO now walks out to bat ... two away PALMER at second...GWYNN at first ... for Prescott

Manny can do some damage

TORRES on the rubber ... TORRES takes the sign from BENCH ... checks the runners

* M. TRILLO facing M. TORRES, B 5th, 2 Outs, 1st and 2nd, Behind 0-1

The runners take their lead ... TORRES comes home ... swung on ... easy bouncer to FOX

he's up with it ... he flips to KUBEK at second ... and they get him ... to retire the side

For the Wranglers ... no runs on one hit ... the Bandits fumbled once ... 2 left

they waste a good chance ... the score still stands 1-0 Bandits

as we head for the top of the sixth inning

* TOP OF THE 6th, Bandits 1, Wranglers 0

Here come the big guns for the Bandits ... MORENO MEUSEL and McCOVEY

Here's Omar MORENO to lead it off

You can't afford to take him too lightly

SUNDBERG sets up

* O. MORENO facing J. PALMER, T 6th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 1-0

The offering ... hot smash to TRILLO ... takes it on one hop ... over to OLIVER at first

and there's one away

Next up...Blythe hitter Bob MEUSEL

Bob can pound the ball

In the box now

Right-hander PALMER goes to the set position

* B. MEUSEL facing J. PALMER, T 6th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 1-0

The pitch ... fastball ... it's a nubber to the left of the mound ... BOUDREAU charges

picks up the ball barehanded ... and he gets him ... two away!

Two gone ... Willie McCOVEY will bat next for Blythe ... he's their clean-up hitter

McCOVEY is hitless in two at bats

Jim PALMER staring in ... ready to work

* W. McCOVEY facing J. PALMER, T 6th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 1-0

PALMER kicks and deals ... easy fly ball to YAMAMOTO ... plenty of room ... he moves under it

and brings it down ... three down

PALMER sets them down in order ... we've played five and a half ... Wranglers down 1-0

* BOTTOM OF THE 6th, Bandits 1, Wranglers 0

The Wranglers now send up ... the heart of their order to face TORRES


Al OLIVER starts it for the Wranglers

Now TORRES ready

* A. OLIVER facing M. TORRES, B 6th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 0-1

TORRES kicks and deals ... breaking ball ... bounced up the middle ... FOX's there

spins...fires to first ... in time for the out ... that's one!

One gone 6th inning ... left-handed hitter Bobby RAYBURN ... gets set to bat against TORRES

he's their clean-up hitter

RAYBURN can get on for you

Mike TORRES staring in ... ready to work

* B. RAYBURN facing M. TORRES, B 6th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 0-1

The pitch ... RAYBURN lofts a high fly ... down the line to right

MEUSEL looks as if he's got it covered ... on the warning track ... now his back's to the wall

the leap ... and he comes down ... empty handed! ... Bobby has tied it up

RAYBURN eases into his home run trot ... that ball just wouldn't die

Bandits 1, Wranglers 1

So they collect a big solo homer ... his 1st home run of the series

and the Wranglers have tied this game! ... just listen to that crowd!


Koji has a hit in two at bats ... he'll wait for his pitch

YAMAMOTO stands in

Right-hander TORRES goes to the set position

* K. YAMAMOTO facing M. TORRES, B 6th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Tied 1-1

Here's the delivery ... ball four ... and TORRES issues a free pass

and that's the 1st walk issued by TORRES ... that was YAMAMOTO's first walk of the series

Alright... ... now BUSHLAND to face TORRES ... bats right ... for Prescott

one out YAMAMOTO down at first ... score tied

BUSHLAND oh for two ... YAMAMOTO a competent runner ... dish him and they take the lead

And here comes Bandits manager Manager ... he's asking TORRES for the ball

he's calling for Rod BECK ... the right-hander ... so TORRES goes five and a third ... he yielded

one earned run ... so far ... on 5 hits ... a homer ... one walk

he's responsible for the runner ... he can still lose this game

for BECK his first appearance in the series ... he's a right-handed pitcher

he'll be looking for the double play

BECK...foot on the rubber ... checks YAMAMOTO on first

* J. BUSHLAND facing R. BECK, B 6th, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Tied 1-1

The pitch ... jams him ... on the hands ... it rolls slowly toward short ... KUBEK charges in

picks it up ... wings it to McCOVEY ... not in time ... and BUSHLAND picks up a scratch base hit

that puts the go ahead run in scoring position

Two on ... the bottom of the sixth inning ... Jim SUNDBERG up to hit

Rod BECK climbs the mound ... BECK focuses in on the target

Wranglers manager Buck Miller IV looking at his scoresheet

Trying to make it happen ... and Jim SUNDBERG is stepping out of the box

manager Miller IV is sending in a pinch hitter ... who is it? ... oh, it's Ike BOONE

he'll face the right-hander ... he approves some lumber ... strolls to the box

Ike BOONE to face BECK ... for Ike his first at bat in the series

he has the talent to do some damage

Rod BECK climbs the mound ... checks the runners

* I. BOONE facing R. BECK, B 6th, 1 Out, 1st and 2nd, Tied 1-1

The runners take their lead ... the pitch ... checked swing ... he held up ... and he walks

that fills the bases ... that was BOONE's first walk of the series

One out 6th inning ... bases jammed ... right-handed batter Lou BOUDREAU now walks out to bat

Lou can hit

BOUDREAU pulls at his sleeve ... BECK works the ball with his hand

does a little personal grooming ... BECK shakes out his arms ... climbs up the mound

BOUDREAU in the box ... plays a little flute with his fingers on the bat handle ... now ready

BECK on the rubber

* L. BOUDREAU facing R. BECK, B 6th, 1 Out, Bases Loaded, Tied 1-1

They're pulled in around the infield ... to the plate ... BOUDREAU gets serious wood on this one

it's got plenty of hang time ... BOUDREAU got under it just a hair ... at the track

and there to make the catch is MEUSEL ... he turns quickly and sets ... the runners are tagging

YAMAMOTO coming down the line ... BUSHLAND's holding ... here comes the throw home

here's the play at the plate ... and he's ... in standing ... Wranglers lead!

and BUSHLAND holds at second ... BOONE holds at first

Bandits 1, Wranglers 2

And the Wranglers break the tie and now lead 2-1 ... 6th inning

Two gone 6th inning ... two on ... next up pitcher Jim PALMER

He singled earlier

PALMER stands in

Right-hander BECK ready

Wranglers skipper Manager walking down the bench

You can mark pitcher Jim PALMER out for the Wranglers ... Manager not letting him bat

Joe MARTY is enlisted to hit for him ... bats right ... he grabs a bat ... heads out

so PALMER goes six innings ... he yielded ... one earned run ... on 4 hits

he stands to win it

Wranglers hitter Joe MARTY ... MARTY is up here for the first time in the series

you can't afford to take him too lightly

BECK focuses in on the target

Wranglers manager Manager looking at his scoresheet

There will be a runner for BUSHLAND at second base ... Luis SALAZAR is headed out there now

he's a speedster ... Wranglers skipper Manager wants that run

MARTY in the box

BENCH sets up

* J. MARTY facing R. BECK, B 6th, 2 Outs, 1st and 2nd, Ahead 2-1

And now the pitch ... wide by a hair ... free ticket to first for MARTY ... that fills the bases

that was MARTY's first walk of the series

Tony GWYNN now walks out to bat ... he bats left-handed ... for Prescott

bases all loaded up two outs

Tony one of the league's best ... he has a single already

No room at the inn ... Tony GWYNN ... BECK has asked for a new ball ... he's rubbing it up

fixes his cap ... GWYNN stands in ... works his hands on the bat handle ... waits for the pitch

BECK sets up on the rubber again

Wranglers skipper Manager walking down the bench

We have a pause in the action here ... Manager will send in Shooty BABITT ... to run for BOONE

BABITT takes his place at second base ... he's fast ... BECK will keep an eye on him

The Wranglers lead the Bandits 2-1 ... GWYNN wipes his left sleeve across his forehead

BECK wipes sweat from his hands ... fiddle hitches out there ... BECK bends for the rosin bag

GWYNN in the batter's box ... plays a little flute with his fingers on the bat handle

waits for the pitch

Rod BECK climbs the mound ... catcher ready

No room at the inn ... GWYNN grips his right shoulder ... bends to straighten his sox

BECK works the ball with his hand ... batter in the box ... leans in

Now GWYNN tired of waiting backs out

And here comes Bandits manager Manager ... again ... he's asking BECK for the ball

there will be a change on the mound ... they give the ball to Andrew LORRAINE

he'll challenge the lefty-hitting GWYNN ... so BECK goes only one third of an inning

the game for BECK ... one hit ... walked 2 ... he leaves the game with the bases full

for LORRAINE his first appearance in the series ... he's a southpaw ... he's looking for one out

Tony GWYNN ... works the bat across his back ... LORRAINE bends for the rosin bag

GWYNN in the box ... loosens his grip slightly ... leans in

LORRAINE has got to throw strikes ... there is nowhere to put Tony GWYNN ... Tony GWYNN

LORRAINE bends for the rosin bag ... GWYNN steps up to the plate ... quick look at the ump

again focused on LORRAINE ... now ready

LORRAINE...foot on the rubber ... left-hander LORRAINE ready

* T. GWYNN facing A. LORRAINE, B 6th, 2 Outs, Bases Loaded, Ahead 2-1

The runners take their lead ... the pitch ... drilled to right by GWYNN ... it is high ... it is far

it is... ... caught at the wall by MEUSEL ... three down

For the Wranglers ... 2 runs on 2 hits ... 3 left ... they had great chances for more

but they have taken the lead in this game ... Wranglers over the Bandits 2-1

and they'll try to protect that lead in the 7th

* TOP OF THE 7th, Bandits 1, Wranglers 2

BENCH COWENS and FOX to bat next

Luis SALAZAR remains in the game ... he goes to third base for the Wranglers

Coming in to catch for the Wranglers is Charlie BERRY ... BABITT leaves the game

Scott STRICKLAND is coming on to pitch for the Wranglers

for STRICKLAND his first appearance in the series ... he's a right-handed pitcher

Here's Johnny BENCH to start it off

STRICKLAND takes a few warmup pitches ... he's rubbing up the ball ... we're ready to go

BENCH steps in

STRICKLAND is finished with his warmup pitches ... the umpire is brushing off the plate

we're ready to go ... BENCH takes his stance

STRICKLAND is finished with his warmup pitches ... the umpire is brushing off the plate

we're ready to go


* J. BENCH facing S. STRICKLAND, T 7th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 1-2

STRICKLAND fires it in ... off-speed pitch ... misses ... BENCH draws a walk

and STRICKLAND has walked the tying run


Al has a hit in two at bats ... BENCH at first not known for his speed ... that's the tying run

STRICKLAND sets up on the rubber ... checks the runner ... Buck Miller IV looks on silent

* A. COWENS facing S. STRICKLAND, T 7th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 1-2

Now he comes home with it ... he takes it the other way ... down the line to right

into the corner ... BENCH racing for third ... COWENS headed for second ... BENCH chugs for home

he will score! ... tie game ... GWYNN plays the carom ... the throw to third ... the relay

the slide ... and he's ... safe!...the throw was just a bit wide ... triple and an RBI for COWENS

and he jumps right up and claps his hands

Bandits 2, Wranglers 2

So they score one on a triple ... oh, those Bandits ... they have tied this game

and this crowd has gone silent

One on ... here's Nellie FOX

He already has a hit in this game ... a sure hitter ... he rarely strikes out

COWENS has the wheels ... if he comes home, Blythe goes ahead

STRICKLAND inspects the ball ... trying to find some magic ... FOX at the plate ... tugs at his cap

works his hands on the bat handle ... now ready

And here comes Wranglers manager Buck Miller IV ... again ... he's asking STRICKLAND for the ball

pitching change for Prescott ... Miller IV sends Trevor WILSON to the hill

so STRICKLAND pitched to 2 batters ... his line ... one earned run ... so far ... on one hit

one walk ... he leaves with a runner on ... for WILSON his first appearance in the series

he's a southpaw ... he inherits a tough situation ... he'll be looking for the strikeout

at the very least he wants to keep the ball in the infield

if he can get out of this situation it's his game to win

WILSON shakes out his arms ... FOX in the box ... now ready

Trevor WILSON climbs the mound ... lefty against lefty

* N. FOX facing T. WILSON, T 7th, No Outs, Runner on 3rd, Tied 2-2

The Wranglers are looking for the play at the plate ... looks at third ... the pitch

FOX drives one down the left field line ... if it stays fair ... and it's ... off the wall

COWENS trots home with the run ... FOX's around second ... digging for third

here comes the throw ... he slides ... SAFE!...under the tag ... triple and an RBI for FOX

and he jumps right up and claps his hands

Bandits 3, Wranglers 2

So they score one on a triple ... and the Bandits break the tie and now lead 3-2 ... here in the 7th

Alright... ... Tony KUBEK up to hit ... the Bandits have ... no one out one on at third

Tony can be dangerous ... he almost always puts the ball into play

KUBEK steps in

WILSON is on the slab

* T. KUBEK facing T. WILSON, T 7th, No Outs, Runner on 3rd, Ahead 3-2

The Wranglers are looking for the play at the plate ... FOX takes his lead at third ... the pitch

lofted to left field ... not deep ... YAMAMOTO playing him just right ... and he puts it away

FOX's tagging ... but they're holding him at third ... that ball just not deep enough

Andrew LORRAINE bat in hand ... for Andrew his first at bat in the series

LORRAINE steadies his bat

WILSON sets up on the rubber again ... WILSON gets set to pitch

Bandits skipper Buck Miller IV walking down the bench

Miller IV is taking pitcher LORRAINE out of the game ... Phil GARNER is enlisted to hit for him

bats right ... he wheels out with a wagon spoke

he need not ask what he can do for his team here ... LORRAINE pitched one third of an inning

the game for LORRAINE ... no runs ... on no hits

Phil GARNER getting ready to go ... for Phil his first at bat in the series

he can surprise you at the plate

Does not strike out often

In the box now

Trevor WILSON climbs the mound ... Gene RICHARDS waves a weighted bat on deck ... WILSON comes set

* P. GARNER facing T. WILSON, T 7th, 1 Out, Runner on 3rd, Ahead 3-2

Infield drawn in ... FOX down the line some at third ... the pitch from WILSON ... lined

and caught by WILSON! ... two down ... FOX holds safely

Two outs 7th inning ... one on ... Blythe now sends Gene RICHARDS to bat

He singled earlier ... Gene can be dangerous

* G. RICHARDS facing T. WILSON, T 7th, 2 Outs, Runner on 3rd, Ahead 3-2

WILSON set ... and they're putting RICHARDS on ... intentional walk

Buck Miller IV will let WILSON ... take his chances with Omar MORENO

Omar MORENO up ... two down two on...second base is open

He'll take advantage of your mistakes

WILSON focuses in on the target

* O. MORENO facing T. WILSON, T 7th, 2 Outs, 1st and 3rd, Ahead 3-2

The runners take their lead ... to the plate ... checked swing ... ball four

and he trots down to first ... that fills the bases

that was MORENO's first walk of the series

Here's the right-handed hitter Bob MEUSEL to take his swings ... the Bandits have

two gone bases jammed ... FOX, RICHARDS, MORENO around the diamond

Bob a strong hitter

WILSON has got to throw strikes ... there is nowhere to put Bob MEUSEL ... Bob MEUSEL

WILSON stretches his arms above his head ... goes to his cap ... the ump is dusting off the plate

so now ... MEUSEL takes his place in the box

he rubs out a little chalk at the back of the box ... leans in

And here comes Wranglers manager Buck Miller IV ... again ... he's asking WILSON for the ball

there will be a change on the mound ... they give the ball to Tom HUME

he'll try to shut down the right-handed MEUSEL ... so WILSON goes only two thirds of an inning

he yielded ... one hit ... 2 walks ... he's responsible for the runners

for HUME his first appearance in the series ... he's a right-handed pitcher

he's looking for one out

Bob MEUSEL ... bends to straighten his sox ... works the bat across his back

HUME inspects the ball ... climbs up the mound ... the ump is dusting off the plate

Bob stands in ... looks directly out at HUME ... lowers the bat an inch or two ... leans in

HUME is on the slab

* B. MEUSEL facing T. HUME, T 7th, 2 Outs, Bases Loaded, Ahead 3-2

Infield drawn in ... to the plate ... way off the plate ... that'll be ball four

and a free pass for MEUSEL ... HUME is upset with himself

his control has deserted him for the moment ... that forces in a run

and the bases are still loaded ... that'll give Buck Miller IV a few more grey hairs

and MEUSEL gets an easy rbi ... that was MEUSEL's first walk of the series

Bandits 4, Wranglers 2

And the Bandits now lead 4-2

The Bandits have ... two down ducks on the pond ... RICHARDS, MORENO, MEUSEL around the diamond

next to bat for Blythe ... is the left-handed hitting Willie McCOVEY

McCOVEY has pop in that bat

Batter set

Tom HUME climbs the mound ... Buck Miller IV with his arms folded

* W. McCOVEY facing T. HUME, T 7th, 2 Outs, Bases Loaded, Ahead 4-2

The runners take their lead ... HUME into his motion ... delivers ... rapped right back to the mound

HUME waves at it ... oh! he caught it backhanded! ... throws to first ... Bandits gone!

free at last

That'll do it for Blythe ... 3 runs on 2 hits ... 3 left ... they had great chances for more

but they have taken the lead in this game

the score is 4-2 as we go to the bottom of the seventh inning ... okay, folks, on your feet

take a break for the 7th inning stretch

* BOTTOM OF THE 7th, Bandits 4, Wranglers 2

Here come the big guns for the Wranglers ... TRILLO OLIVER and RAYBURN

Joe DAWSON is coming on in relief for Blythe ... he'll bat first

for DAWSON his first appearance in the series ... he's a right-handed pitcher

Al COWENS is moving ... he'll be playing left field for Blythe

Phil GARNER ... he'll be playing third for Blythe

To get it going for the Wranglers here Manny TRILLO ... a right-sider

DAWSON takes a few warmup pitches ... he's rubbing up the ball ... we're ready to go

TRILLO waits

BENCH crouched down now

* M. TRILLO facing J. DAWSON, B 7th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 2-4

Here's the delivery ... lined to right center ... that's good for extra bases

MORENO's chasing it down ... but there's nothing he can do ... TRILLO cruises in to second

One on ... the next Wranglers batter is Al OLIVER ... he's a left-handed batter

OLIVER has been up three times with one hit

Pitcher DAWSON set to go

* A. OLIVER facing J. DAWSON, B 7th, No Outs, Runner on 2nd, Behind 2-4

And the pitch comes in ... grounder to second ... no play at third ... and he flips to first

in time ... one away ... TRILLO moves up

The Wranglers have ... one down runner at third ... Bobby RAYBURN up to bat

he's their clean-up hitter

He already has a hit in this game ... a homer ... a trusty bat

DAWSON focuses in on the target

* B. RAYBURN facing J. DAWSON, B 7th, 1 Out, Runner on 3rd, Behind 2-4

Bandits playing for the out at first ... TRILLO takes his lead at third ... DAWSON deals

smashed down the line ... McCOVEY dives ... and he's got it! ... he's on his feet

waves off DAWSON ... and he tags the bag for the out ... two gone ... TRILLO has to hold third

lovely play

The Wranglers have ... two gone TRILLO hanging out at third ... YAMAMOTO is out to take his hacks

He singled earlier ... he's earned his reputation at the plate

YAMAMOTO now ready

BENCH sets up

* K. YAMAMOTO facing J. DAWSON, B 7th, 2 Outs, Runner on 3rd, Behind 2-4

TRILLO down the line some at third ... DAWSON to the wind ... popped up left side

GARNER moves toward the line ... he's under it ... and he makes the catch ... side retired

That'll do it for Prescott ... nothing across ... one left

they had a chance but could not convert ... Wranglers behind the Bandits 4-2

* TOP OF THE 8th, Bandits 4, Wranglers 2

BENCH COWENS and FOX due up for Blythe

Here's Johnny BENCH to start it off ... bats right

Johnny waits

HUME's ready to fire it in

* J. BENCH facing T. HUME, T 8th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-2

HUME with the offering ... BENCH shatters his bat ... and the ball rolls toward SALAZAR

he guns it to first ... and nails BENCH by a step ... for out number one

One away ... Al COWENS up to hit

COWENS has two hits in three trips ... one RBI ... and he scored once

HUME looking home

* A. COWENS facing T. HUME, T 8th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-2

And the pitch ... COWENS pops a little fly ... back of second ... TRILLO and BOUDREAU going out

RAYBURN coming in ... coming in ... and RAYBURN makes the catch in front of BOUDREAU ... two down

Alright... ... FOX gets set to face HUME ... two gone

Nellie has two hits in three trips ... driven in one ... and he's scored 2 runs

BERRY sets up

* N. FOX facing T. HUME, T 8th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-2

Here's the pitch ... swung on ... toward the gap ... GWYNN races back ... he stabs for it

and makes the catch in the webbing ... side retired

HUME sets them down in order ... Wranglers trailing by 2 ... as we go to the home half

* BOTTOM OF THE 8th, Bandits 4, Wranglers 2

The Wranglers will have ... SALAZAR BERRY and BOUDREAU here in the 8th

Luis SALAZAR comes up to bat ... for Luis his first at bat in the series ... a valuable bat

SALAZAR does not get on much

Right-hander DAWSON ready

* L. SALAZAR facing J. DAWSON, B 8th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 2-4

He cranks and fires ... high fly ... left center ... MORENO roams over ... he'll get there

and does ... one away

Charlie BERRY coming up ... Charlie for the first time in the series ... a dangerous hitter

You don't see Charlie taking many pitches

DAWSON looking in

* C. BERRY facing J. DAWSON, B 8th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Behind 2-4

And the pitch ... scorched back through the box ... it caroms off his leg ... KUBEK charges over

bang-bang play at first ... BERRY is out! ... a little shin-burner ... Joe DAWSON shakes it off

he'll be alright ... two away

Lou BOUDREAU to hit ... two away

In this game ... he's oh for 2 ... one ribbie

Batter facing DAWSON

Catcher ready

* L. BOUDREAU facing J. DAWSON, B 8th, 2 Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 2-4

The pitch ... line drive base hit to right ... MEUSEL fields it and throws it to second

a clean single for BOUDREAU

Tom HUME is scheduled to hit ... Tom HUME bat in hand ... for Tom his first at bat in the series


Wranglers skipper Buck Miller IV walking down the bench

Miller IV is yanking Tom HUME ... Dave HOSTETLER will bat in his place ... bats right

he wheels out with a wagon spoke ... strides toward the box ... HUME pitched one and a third

the line on him ... no runs ... on no hits

Dave HOSTETLER up ... for Dave his first at bat in the series ... HOSTETLER...decent bat control

HOSTETLER takes his stance


* D. HOSTETLER facing J. DAWSON, B 8th, 2 Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 2-4

He brings it in ... hit like a bullet ... right between GARNER and KUBEK

a clean single for HOSTETLER ... COWENS is galloping for it ... BOUDREAU's around second

but the third base coach has his arms in the air ... they're holding BOUDREAU at second

as the throw comes in ... the Wranglers put two singles back-to-back ... the tying run is on

BOUDREAU at second...HOSTETLER at first two outs ... the bottom of the eighth inning

GWYNN gets set to bat against DAWSON

Tony can do some damage ... Tony one for four

GWYNN still not in the box ... taps the bat on the inside of his right foot

DAWSON shakes out his right arm ... if the Wranglers are going to score

then it will take a two-out hit ... batter in the box ... tugs at his cap ... waits for the pitch

Geoff BLUM is now playing third base for Blythe

DAWSON pitched an inning and two thirds in relief ... the game for DAWSON ... 3 hits

he's responsible for the runners

And here comes Bandits manager Manager ... again ... he's pulling some sort of switch

FOX is out of the game ... John WETTELAND is coming on to pitch for the Bandits

he'll bat seventh ... for WETTELAND his first appearance in the series

he's a right-handed pitcher ... he's looking for one out ... it's his game to save

Phil GARNER will stay in the game ... now playing second base for the Bandits

GWYNN grips his right shoulder ... ties the lace on his left shoe ... taps the bat on his left heel

WETTELAND bends for the rosin bag ... climbs the mound ... paws the rubber

GWYNN steps up to the plate ... waits for the pitch

If the Wranglers are going to score ... then it will take a two-out hit ... GWYNN tucks in his shirt

rubs his wrist ... ties the lace on his left shoe ... stretches with the bat above his head

WETTELAND positions his mitt ... digging a landing spot in front of the rubber

GWYNN takes his place in the box ... loosens his grip slightly ... leans in

Wranglers skipper Manager walking down the bench

The Wranglers have asked for time ... they're making a move

there will be a runner for HOSTETLER at first base ... Onix CONCEPCION is headed out there now

he's a threat ... Wranglers skipper Manager wants that run

GWYNN grips his right shoulder ... WETTELAND positions his mitt ... GWYNN at the plate

he digs in with his back foot ... now ready

GWYNN pulls at his sleeve ... WETTELAND works the ball with his hand

if you walk the bases loaded ... you have no place to put TRILLO

the ump is dusting off the plate ... so now ... GWYNN at the plate

Tony takes his time settling in the box ... taps the plate with his bat ... leans in

WETTELAND is on the slab ... Manny TRILLO waits on deck ... checks BOUDREAU at second

* T. GWYNN facing J. WETTELAND, B 8th, 2 Outs, 1st and 2nd, Behind 2-4

The runners take their lead ... he cranks and fires ... high and inside ... ball one

GWYNN takes his place in the box ... now ready

WETTELAND is on the slab ... checks the runners

* T. GWYNN facing J. WETTELAND, B 8th, 2 Outs, 1st and 2nd, Behind 2-4

The runners take their lead ... now WETTELAND pitches ... well hit fly ball ... left center

COWENS and MORENO converge ... COWENS calls him off ... and makes the catch

The line for the Wranglers ... no runs 2 hits no errors ... they leave 2

the Bandits have held them ... the score still stands 4-2 Bandits

as we head for the top of the ninth inning

* TOP OF THE 9th, Bandits 4, Wranglers 2

KUBEK GARNER and BLUM due up for Blythe

Sparky LYLE is coming on to pitch for the Wranglers ... for LYLE his first appearance in the series

he's a southpaw

Tony KUBEK to lead it off for the Bandits ... he bats right

LYLE is finished with his warmup pitches ... the umpire is brushing off the plate

we're ready to go ... Tony steps up

LYLE gets set to pitch

Batter ready

Sparky LYLE staring in ... ready to work

* T. KUBEK facing S. LYLE, T 9th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-2

LYLE winds and fires ... it's lifted to dead right ... right fielder GWYNN parks under it

and takes it in ... one down

Phil GARNER comes out to face LYLE ... bats right

LYLE prepares to come home

* P. GARNER facing S. LYLE, T 9th, 1 Out, Bases Empty, Ahead 4-2

Now LYLE pitches ... base hit right field ... and GARNER will hold at first

as the throw comes in to second ... he's on with a single

Geoff BLUM bat in hand ... for Geoff his first at bat in the series

he'll take advantage of your mistakes

Pitcher LYLE set to go

* G. BLUM facing S. LYLE, T 9th, 1 Out, Runner on 1st, Ahead 4-2

The pitch ... low ... GARNER is running ... and he caught LYLE napping! ... the peg ... the slide

tags him ... GARNER sneaks in ... that's his 1st steal of the series

BLUM ready to take on LYLE again

LYLE looking in at the target

* G. BLUM facing S. LYLE, T 9th, 1 Out, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 4-2

LYLE looks back at GARNER on second ... and the pitch comes in ... off his fists ... a weak pop fly

BOUDREAU's backing up ... and BLUM is gone ... two down!

Alright... ... now MORENO to face LYLE ... left-side batter ... the Bandits have

two outs runner on second

Omar has collected a hit and a walk in four times up

BERRY sets up

* O. MORENO facing S. LYLE, T 9th, 2 Outs, Runner on 2nd, Ahead 4-2

GARNER moves another step away from second ... the offering ... there's a low liner to left

it's a long run in for YAMAMOTO ... and he's got it on the run ... that's three away

For the Bandits ... nothing across ... one left ... they cannot add to their lead

the score still stands 4-2 Wranglers down ... as we head for the bottom of the ninth inning

* BOTTOM OF THE 9th, Bandits 4, Wranglers 2

The big hitters coming up against WETTELAND ... 2-3-4 ... TRILLO OLIVER and RAYBURN

To get it going for the Wranglers here Manny TRILLO ... he swings from the right

OLIVER ... in the on deck circle ... pawing the ground


WETTELAND...foot on the rubber ... jaw tightens as he gets the sign

Al OLIVER is loose and ready to follow TRILLO ... catcher BENCH sets his target

* M. TRILLO facing J. WETTELAND, B 9th, No Outs, Bases Empty, Behind 2-4

The pitch ... wide of the strike zone ... ball four ... and TRILLO trots down to first

that was TRILLO's first walk of the series

Okay, folks, listen up ... Al OLIVER gets set to face WETTELAND ... batting left

the Wranglers have ... no one out TRILLO down at first

The pressure's on OLIVER to deliver the big hit ... Al is one for four

OLIVER preparing to bat ... bends to straighten his sox ... pumps the bat several times

WETTELAND works the ball with his hand ... OLIVER at the plate ... quick look at the ump

again focused on WETTELAND ... waits

WETTELAND sets up on the rubber again ... WETTELAND focuses in on the target

* A. OLIVER facing J. WETTELAND, B 9th, No Outs, Runner on 1st, Behind 2-4

TRILLO takes his lead ... WETTELAND fires it in ... swung on ... and it's pulled hard to right

base hit ... MEUSEL's got a long way to go ... he's there ... TRILLO rounds third

the throw comes in to KUBEK ... they're holding TRILLO at third

and OLIVER's in standing with a double ... so the Wranglers have an opening

the tying run is now at second base ... that's OLIVER's 2nd hit of the game

10th hit for the Wranglers

No one out 9th inning ... two on ... Bobby RAYBURN up to hit

Bobby had his 1st series homer earlier in this game ... Bobby has a hit in four trips

RAYBURN preparing to bat ... taps the bat on his left heel ... WETTELAND shakes out his right arm

RAYBURN at the plate ... taps the barrel on the plate ... now ready

John WETTELAND climbs the mound ... righty against lefty ... Buck Miller IV with his arms folded

* B. RAYBURN facing J. WETTELAND, B 9th, No Outs, 2nd and 3rd, Behind 2-4

Bandits playing for the out at first ... TRILLO takes his lead at third ... here's a pitch

WETTELAND misses ... ball four ... RAYBURN will go to first ... WETTELAND is upset with himself

his control has deserted him for the moment ... and WETTELAND has walked the winning run

that was RAYBURN's first walk of the series

So ... ducks on the pond ... TRILLO, OLIVER, RAYBURN around the diamond

Prescott now sends Koji YAMAMOTO to bat ... from the right

Koji has collected a hit and a walk in four times up ... and he scored once

YAMAMOTO brushes his shirt ... he lifts the bat, weighing it

takes a quick glance at the scoreboard ... WETTELAND positions his mitt

WETTELAND has got to throw strikes ... there is nowhere to put Koji YAMAMOTO

the batter stands in ... he digs in deep with his spikes ... leans in

WETTELAND...foot on the rubber ... WETTELAND's ready to fire it in

Wranglers manager Buck Miller IV looking at his scoresheet

He's calling on his reserves ... who is it? ... Jake POWELL will bat for YAMAMOTO ... bats right

he breaks off a willow branch ... strides toward the box

Jake POWELL walking up to bat ... for Jake his first at bat in the series

known to whack that ball pretty well

Average speed at second ... that's the tying run

POWELL preparing himself ... WETTELAND bends for the rosin bag

the ump wants to look at the ball ... now he returns it to WETTELAND ... batter in the box

adjusts himself ... leans in

WETTELAND sets up on the rubber again ... righty against righty ... BENCH set

* J. POWELL facing J. WETTELAND, B 9th, No Outs, Bases Loaded, Behind 2-4

Infield deep ... he lets it go ... lined hard to right ... base hit ... MEUSEL is after it

he cuts it off deep in the gap ... TRILLO scores ... OLIVER is around third

RAYBURN is around second ... they're waving OLIVER in ... they're holding RAYBURN at second

here comes the throw home ... RAYBURN's going for third on the throw

here's the play at the plate ... and he's ... in standing

and RAYBURN takes third on the throw ... POWELL holds at first

Bandits 4, Wranglers 4

So the single drives in two big runs ... and the Wranglers tie it up!

they have matched the Bandits at 4-4! ... just listen to that crowd!

Okay, folks, listen up ... Prescott now sends Luis SALAZAR to bat ... from the right

Wranglers with ... two on...second base is open no outs ... score tied

SALAZAR is oh for one ... strikeouts have been a problem for him

SALAZAR readying himself ... WETTELAND positions his mitt ... how can they possibly get out of this?

SALAZAR in the box ... sets his cap ... waits

WETTELAND is on the slab ... the ball's hidden in his mitt ... right-hander WETTELAND ready

Buck Miller IV calm

* L. SALAZAR facing J. WETTELAND, B 9th, No Outs, 1st and 3rd, Tied 4-4


bunted nicely down the third base line ... BLUM tries to wave it foul ... but it stays fair

it's all over ... bunt base hit ... and the run scores

Bandits 4, Wranglers 5

And that's it! ... the Wranglers have won it! ... Game 1 goes to the Wranglers!!

spurred on by the disciplined leadership of Buck Miller IV ... our expectancy is rewarded

SALAZAR has won this game with a clutch 9th inning hit ... say it once more

baseball is a game of inches ... a tight one here, fans

the Wranglers sneak by the Bandits 5-4 ... here's the line ... for the Wranglers

5 runs on 12 hits ... no errors ... they leave 13 ... for the Bandits ... 4 runs on 7 hits

one misadventure ... and they leave 7 ... LYLE gets the win...his 1st

WETTELAND takes the loss...his 1st ... so the Wranglers gain a step

in the next game, they'll go after the Bandits again ... in this 7-game series

they now stand at ... Prescott ... one win ... no losses ... that puts the wraps on this one

Ernie Harwell and WAPBA leaving you from Prescott ... Wranglers take this one from the Bandits


FINAL SCORE : Bandits 4, Wranglers 5