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Mooncrest Weyr
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R'lin gazed fondly at his slumbering dragon, admiring the brown's conformation. Iveth was almost as long as a smaller bronze, with a finely sculpted head and magnificent wings. The dragon's tail and neck were both a bit too long and thin, but the four legs were proportionate to his earth-colored body. All in all, Iveth could be counted as one of the best browns out of Padrieth and Ferith. R'lin could remember the day of his Impressing, so long ago, and wondered what he would've done without his dragon.

We are together, are we not? No one can change that! Iveth declared, just rousing. R'lin grinned and patted the warm brown nose. "Yes, Iveth. C'mon, down to the Feeding Grounds with you, lazybones! Aren't you hungry?" the rider teased affectionately. The brown dragon rumbled assent as R'lin climbed onto his neck.

Iveth glided smoothly down to the Weyrbowl to drop his rider off before leaping into the pen amongst the terrified herdbeasts. Picking out his choice, the dragon neatly plucked up the bovine and flew up to the nearest unoccupied ledge to eat. Really, Iveth, must you be so messy with your meals? R'lin asked in amused dismay.

Humph. At least I don't have to eat every day! Iveth replied amiably, still tearing into the herdbeast's flesh. All right all right. You win. Now stay there while I go get my own breakfast! The rider threw up his hands in defeat and retreated into the Lower Caverns. Iveth snorted.

Ohhhh, R'lin, you must come see this! Iveth suddenly spoke up excitedly. Not now, Iveth, I'm eating! Can't it wait? R'lin retorted irritably, bolting his food as fast as possible. Hurry up, this really is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! Iveth urged, sounding quite infatuated with whatever-it-was.

Oh all right, I'm coming I'm coming. This had better be worth half-choking on my food, you wherry-necked ball of mud. R'lin sighed mock-angrily, jogging outside to where his dragon was resting. "All right, where's this unmatchablly lovely thing of yours?" the rider asked impatiently. Over there. Her name is Naoth, she's not a thing, she's a dragon! Iveth indicated the green dragon lounging by the lake. "Oh, you! What's all this sudden fancy for the green? You've seen her plenty of times before." R'lin raised a disbelieving eyebrow and stared disconcertingly at his dragon.

But she wasn't rising soon before, and now she is. And I shall catch her, you see if I don't! the brown dragon declared with a flip of his wings for emphasis. "If you say so..." his rider trailed off distractedly. Craning his head around, R'lin could see Petapipa, Naoth's rider. She was a beauitful girl just like her dragon, he admitted privately, with long wavy hair, elegantly arched eyebrows, and dark blue eyes. Perhaps he should sign Iveth up for her flight after all.

R'lin's Stats
Name Raistlin/R'lin
Age 16
Rank Brownrider
Sex Male
Birthplace Unknown
Dragon Name Iveth
Hair Brown
Eyes brown
Pets None

Iveth's Stats
Name Iveth
Age Adult
Color Brown
Rider R'lin
Dam Gold Padrieth
Sire Bronze Ferith
Birthplace Mooncrest Weyr