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Dawn Sisters Weyr
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Telanor struck a pose in front of the polished metal, smoothing imaginary wrinkles from his, um, very tight-fitting-in-embarrasing-spots clothing and smiling at his reflection. "Yep." he nodded in satisfaction, blue eyes twinkling. There was just no resisting his charm!

Striding, er, provocatively down the hallways to the Dining Caverns, Telanor grinned saucily at every girl in sight. He was rewarded by blushes, lowered eyelashes in some cases. Mostly the young women just played hard to get (at least that was what he thought), shooting him mock-disgusted looks and sidling away not too discreetly.

Spotting a table occupied entirely by a group of pretty girls, Telanor strutted (reminiscent of a rooster, in fact) up to them and sat down, brushing back his blonde hair. "Ladies..." he greeted them, his eyes raking over them rather obviously.

"Get away, Telanor!" was the unanimous exclamation. Telanor sighed. "You know you want me, girls!" he told them confidently, leaning back in his chair with a languid air. He really couldn't understand when all of them got up as one and moved to the table on the other side of the Cavern. "Playing hard to get. Women." Telanor muttered to himself, deciding to do the same and ignore them. They'd come running to him soon enough. Meanwhile, there'd doubtless be other young women that lovely Lithya.

* * *

A few candlemarks later, Telanor awoke groggily to the fact that there didn't seem to be a single part of him that was exempted from fiery pain. "Wha..." he mumbled blearily, opening his eyes slowly. As his surroudings came into focus, the young man realized he was in the Hold infirmary. Now what was he doing in the infirmary?...Oh.

Telanor grimaced at the memory. That Lithya sure could pack a good punch, all right! She was taking the hard-to-get game a little to far, he concluded, but that wasn't stopping Telanor, not by a long shot. He just couldn't resist a beautiful woman, and always had to have what was forbidden. A beautiful girl who was also forbidden, now that was just too tempting. Plus the fact that she disdained Telanor and had physically hurt him rather severely. He wasn't going to stop until Lithya was his.

So, with that plan in mind, Telanor lingered as little as possible with the healers, not even taking time to flirt with the attractive journeywomen. Not that they minded his absence in the least.

* * *

Telanor's gaze roved around the stables quickly. Aha! He spotted the tall, graceful form of his objective saddling one of the runners. The young man tiptoed up behind Lithya silently and murmured in her ear, "I like a girl who can take care of herself."

Lithya didn't so much as twitch in surprise, much to Telanor's disappointment. Instead she turned around slowly and gave him an icy glare. "You will maintain your distance, Telanor!" she told him in a tone that was cold enough to freeze Rukbat. Telanor was not to be dissuaded easily. His ego was far too big for that.

"I know as well as you do that you can't resist me." he murmured arrogantly, not moving an inch from where he stood. Lithya smiled seductively at him, bending so that her nose was almost touching his. "Resist you? Oh no, I couldn't resist a handsome young man like yooouu..." she whispered breathily.

Telanor grinned triumphantly, sure of his victory. Lithya slapped him across the face, wiping the smile off. "I can't resist killing you, that's what! Get a life, Telanor!" she spat, vaulting onto her runner and cantering off.

The young man blinked dazedly. He'd never seen anyone take the game that far before. Why, one would almost think that Lithya didn't like him! "No, she's just extra stubborn." Telanor told himself reassuringly. "She'll come around eventually." he added to no one in particular, choosing his own mount and chasing after Lithya at a gallop.

Two candlemarks later, he was back in the Infirmary, this time with several broken bones.

* * *

A few sevendays later, after the compound fracture in his arm had healed, Telanor was yet again pursuing Lithya, this time a bit more cautious. If that was humanly possible for him, anyway. This time he was sure of his success.

"Stop trying to hide your feelings, honey. You know you can't keep up this game for much longer!" Telanor cajoled, his most charming grin plastered on. Lithya suddenly tilted her head up, looking over his shoulder with wide eyes. Telanor thought the look was for him. "See, I knew you'd eventually admit it. Now, your cot or mi--" he started to ask.

He never got to finish the question. Lithya shoved him aside, enough to make the young man stagger.

Stagger right into the side of a big brown-black dragon, in fact. Telanor jerked his head back and saw the dragon looking down at him with a mixture of curiousity and annoyance. Annoyance predominant. Telanor gulped and scrambled off to a safe distance.

"Hold it right there, you." said a stern voice, as a firm hand took hold of Telanor's arm. He swallowed loudly again, avoiding the sight of Lithya's scornfully victorious face, and looked at the rider.

The dragonman's face broke into a wide grin. "I'm on Search for Baeris Kshau's Healing Den, you see, and I think they've got the perfect dragon for you. I'm R'tek by the way." he told the dumbstruck young man.

Telanor blinked at R'tek several times and rubbed at his eyes. "What? I don't need a dragon. I'm fine right here." he frowned momentarily, then raised his eyebrows and added, "Although I do hear that weyrgirls are very pretty...hmmm." R'tek laughed, slapping Telanor on the back. "Knew you'd say that. So we're agreed. Up you go!"

Before Telanor could say a word of protest, he was seated firmly between the dragon's neckridges and they were disappearing between.

* * *

Later on, at the Hatching...well, sort-of Hatching

Brandon, Achyan, and and Filamir stood and watched as the others, namely Everil, Briffin, Telanor and Arik walked around each other. The men looked at their prize, the best most cool, wildest on the dance floor dragon there ever was hatched.

Lithya, having come back for the moment, stood and laughed as Telanor was roughed up by Briffin.

“You barely even have hair on your chest, boy!” Briffin said with gusto. “How can you possibly hope to impress this fine piece of work?”

“By being able to actually ATTRACT women, you feeb!” Yelled Telanor right back. Meanwhile Achyan gazed upon the fighting men with a dreamy look upon his face.

“Ladies, ladies...” said one of the other candidates, Evril, but then realized they were hardly women screeching like that. He was bumped quite hard off the sands as they circled around, and cornered between the catfight among queers and the bullying of the manly-men, Evril slunk over to Baeris and suggested that she pencil him in for something a bit more sedate. Smirking, Baeris nodded but kept watching.

As Telanor and Briffin slugged it out, occasionally causing the spit or sweat to fly in a slo-mo arc away from them, hair getting marred and some blood dropping onto their perfect clothing, the much quieter yet far more in control of himself Arik simply walked up to the bronze and pointed to the sky. His hips were akimbo, his legs planted firmly, and his other hand was dramatically set behind him frozen in place. He blinked, jaw set.

Telanor finished with Briffin and stormed up to Baeris. He suggested, a bit forcefully, that she sign him up for the next clutch. "We'll just see who has the better dragon!" he said between clenched teeth. Obviously that bronze wasn't good enough for him.

* * * * *

"And you see, he wasn't. You're much better than him." T'nor told his dragon smugly. Sampath warbled, echoing his rider's sentiments. The sunset-cream-bronze spread his brilliant wings and cocked his head at the young man.


T'nor grinned. Sampath was much better-looking than that other bronze had been. No female dragon in her right mind could resist his charms, even from Sampath's Hatching...

Written by Baeris.

Three shells began to shatter from different portions of the sands. The dragons had done a great job of keeping their eggs properly turned and warm the whole time, and kept from mixing them up too much. One of the eggs broke open to reveal a pale creamy colored face with a darker brown blaze upon his nose and head knobs, with speckles of brown over his creamy colored body. Jaluth’s rider Ep’son hooted loudly – there was no missing any offspring of his dragon’s! Next was another very pale cream colored dragon, but this one had beautiful sunset-bronzes on his wings and a kind of siamese-marking on his feet, tail and face. He bellowed loudly, and began the walk toward the boys. The speckled hatchling followed him, and they were joined by a third creamy-brown colored male. The other two males kind of steered clear of the third. It was painfully obvious that this was a Ryslen dragon hatchling, though the features were a bit oddly carried: his crest was sharper than normal, his tail longer and thinner, and he walked with a swagger that only the sunset-colored one could match. The trio of dragons came up to the boys and looked them over carefully.

The first brown-cream then turned away from the other two. As if he had better places to be. He arrived at the clump of girls and nosed his way through them. Burrowing through them, he reached Sephira.

You! Me! No one else! I am Dereyk, and we will stand bravely wherever we land! The dragon announced, and oddly it was as if he could speak to everyone present. His announced name took everyone by surprise. What did this mean? A dragon with a name that –

“Dereyk, you’re all I will ever need! Mama will be so proud of me!” Sephira cried, “Don’t you think?”

I know she is, Sephira, she told me so herself. We will see.

The other dragons continued their searching among the boys. By now, several of the braver lads had come forward, and looked at the pair of creamy bronzey colored dragons. Suddenly the sunset-shaded one burst over to Telanor and bellowed loudly.

I am Sampath! Come ride with me, and we will catch all the best females every time! With you and me together we cannot miss!

Telanor grinned so hard his black eye hurt. “Thanks Sampath, we will do that. But don’t you want to get something to eat first?”

Yes, that had been the day. T'nor flicked away a speck of dust from Sampath's gleaming hide and grinned again.

T'nor's Stats
Name Telanor/T'nor
Age 19
Rank Wingrider
Dragon Name Sampath
Birthplace South Boll Hold
Hair Blonde
Eyes Blue
Pets None

Sampath's Stats
Name Sampath
Age Adult
Color Sunset-Cream-Bronze
Rider's Name T'nor
Birthplace Baeris Kshau's Healing Den
Mother Gold-white Creesath
Father Bronze-white Sploth