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Lithya's weyr

Baeris Kshau's Healing Den
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“I said, get out of my way!”
“Oh come on honey, just a little harmless fun….”
“Get out of my way. Now. Or else.”
“Oh, what’re you gonna do? Punch me out? Ha! You couldn't hurt a fly if you tried!”
“You asked for it, bub...”
Lithya smiled, a joyously feral baring of the teeth. Her right fist whipped out and caught the jerk square in the jaw. He staggered back, glaring at Lithya. “Hey, whaddaya do that for, baby?!” Grevin demanded, reaching out to embrace the young woman. Lithya went down low to avoid his arm and whupped the man a good one in the midriff. Grevin went down with a muffled “Oomph!” of pain.

Lithya grinned again, rubbing her hands down her black-dyed wher-hide pants distastefully as she walked out. She hated even touching someone of the opposite sex. She'd never been with a man, and wasn't planning to, ever. It had gotten to the point where some wondered if the young woman even, well, liked men. And she didn't. It didn’t help that Lithya was the prettiest girl in the Hold, with raven-black hair and delicately refined facial features, capped by two perfectly almond-shaped eyes snapping with dark fire. She had to get rid of at least ten unwanted men every day. “You’d think they’d have learned not to do that by now. Huh. Too dimwitted, I guess.” Lithya muttered to herself, melting into the shadows as a group of young men strode by with that typical male swagger. She’d have them swaggering in pain if they weren’t careful.

Lithya decided to have a little fun with the boys; she could do with a bit of entertainment. The young woman may not have liked men, but she knew exactly how to flaunt her beauty. Lithya skirted around the group with a throaty chuckle. “Hey, boys.” She smiled invitingly and walked slowly on with a slight swing of the hips.

The young men were spellbound. Lithya could feel their rapt gaze following her down the corridor. They all surrounded her, each trying to catch her attention. She decided that now would be a good time for some action, and smiled devilishly again.

Lithya became a whirlwind of motion, her “followers” dropping like stones, mostly adorned with some new fist-shaped bruises. When they were all down, Lithya dusted her hands off and kept walking as if nothing unusual had just happened. Boys. When would they ever learn.

The young woman slipped out of the Hold unnoticed later that day. She liked to be alone when practicing her fighting skills, and preferred the cooler, darkened evening light. In her supple black wher-hide, Lithya was hardly visible in the fading sunlight. She favored dark clothing, and today she was wearing her usual sleeveless black wher-hide vest over a tight black tunic of the same material, and smooth, flared trousers of the same style and color. It helped her melt into the shadows when avoiding unwanted suitors. Not that she usually avoided them--Lithya preferred punching their lights out. It was more amusing by far.

* * *

Lithya urged the runner on, leaning over Shadowswift’s sleek neck and becoming one with her mount. The pure black runner was her favorite, and would obey no one but Lithya. “Whoa, easy now girl. Tired? Come on, we’ll rest here for a candlemark or two.” she dismounted and led the mare off the path into the clearing she had discovered on her first runner ride. It was a small grassy knoll, with a little stream running through at the edge. It was Lithya’s favorite place by far.

Shadowswift whickered and dropped her nose down to drink from the brook thirstily. Lithya tied the runner’s reins securely to a nearby tree, and stretched out on the slightly prickly grass. Folding her hands behind her head and gazing up at the serene blue sky, she gradually dozed off into sleep.

Lithya woke to the sound of Shadowswift’s panicked whinnies. “What is it? There’s nothing—sweet Faranth! Thread! How long have I slept?” she cursed herself and hurriedly unknotted the mare’s reins, swinging up onto the frightened runner’s back. They tore out of the trees and galloped down the path. “Come on, come on, we’re almost there..!” Lithya glanced back quickly at the advancing line of Threadfall, then ahead at the distant Hold. They’d never make it, unless some miracle happened. Where were the dragons that should be flaming the deadly rain out of the sky?

A huge shadow blotted out the sun and something plucked Lithya out of the saddle. She could hear loud whooshing noises. What…? Lithya peered down and almost had a heart attack at the sight. They were soaring, a thousand dragonlengths above the ground. And all that prevented her from plummeting were two great blue dragon forepaws. Lithya had never been afraid of anything as far as she could remember, and she wasn’t about to let this scare her.

“Hey, you up there! Would you mind putting me down?!” she shouted up at the rider. Her only response was the frigid icy cold of between as they winked out.

They appeared in the skies of Pern over some kind of makeshift Weyr, if Lithya guessed correctly. She was set down gently on the ground as requested, and marched right up to the bluerider. “What in shard’s name was that? Why’d you take me here?” she demanded, hands on hips.

The rider ignored the question. “Follow me.” Was all the man said, and walked off in the direction of a small stone structure. Lithya made an annoyed noise but strode off after him, rubbing her bare arms to get the circulation going again. "Damned egotistical men." she muttered.

When Lithya arrived in the building, the bluerider was nowhere in sight. Instead, a tall dark-skinned woman with a blue firelizard on her shoulder stood smiling at her. “Welcome to the Healing Den. I’m Masterhealer Baeris. May I ask why you’re here? Oh, I know, for the abandoned dragons, right? Well, come right this way.” Baeris beckoned Lithya to follow and disappeared down the hallway. “When am I going to get some answers around here?!” the young woman spat angrily as she hurried to catch up.

Lithya completely forgot all other considerations as she burst into the room indignantly. There in front of her were twelve magnificent dragons. But her attention was immediately drawn to the lovely golden one lying regally in the center of the room, hissing at any males that dared come near. Lithya grinned, realizing the similarity between herself and the great queen. She watched in amusement as the gold snapped her jaws over the nearest bronze's wingtip, evoking a squeal of surprised pain. That's the way to teach 'em! the young woman thought wryly. “Ah, I see you’ve taken a shine to one of them. Be so kind to point out which one.” Spoke up the Masterhealer. Lithya pointed at the shining gold just then. “I've never seen a queen with such an aversion to males." she remarked, not even hearing Baeris’ request. “Ah, the queen. She’s a male-hater, all right! I’ll put you down for her.” The Masterhealer nodded thoughtfully and marked something on a sheet of hide.

Her words hit Lithya like a herdbeast stampede. “Put me down? What’re you talking about, woman?” she asked suspiciously, raising one elegantly arched eyebrow. No answer. Baeris was gone.

“Aaargh! How do you people expect me to do anything like this?!”

* * *

"Mind if I join you?" asked a voice. Lithya did not need to glance over her shoulder to know it was a man, a rider at that. "Yes, I do mind." she responded icily. This was almost worse than the Hold--there, you could knock about anyone without consequences, but you couldn't do that to riders.

The brownrider sat down across from her anyway. Lithya pretended he wasn't there, as this method usually worked in driving riders away. The young man didn't move. Lithya kept eating and staring over his head.

"I'm T'srin." the dragonrider said presently. Lithya said nothing. "Oh come on, I know you're just ignoring me. At least tell me your name!" T'srin cajoled. The young woman shot him a frosty glare. "Lithya." she told him curtly, picked up her now-empty tray and walked away quickly. Man, what's wrong with you? You must be getting soft, Lithya... Lithya berated herself, hoping fervently that this T'srin person would forget her.

* * *

At the Hatch--er, I mean Abandoning...

Moments later, the great gold rose from her position near the back of the den. She had an odd arrangement of colors applied to her skin, blotches of brown and black and green. It made her very hard to see. Though those big clumpy boots she wore made her sound much heavier than she should have been.

She nudged at a trio of women, including Lithya, with her warm snout. I like you and you and you. The rest of those ‘girls’ can just stay where they are. She glared at the rest of the group, and then sat ungracefully with her hind legs spread, looking at her choices.

Now... how am I meant to pick among you. I think..... Quiz time. “WHAT?!” Bellowed Lithya. “I did NOT come here to answer some damn quiz!” She couldn't believe it! Some dragon was daring to-to quiz her!

Then beat it. Loudmouth. You’ll make some dragon happy, but not me... I don’t need any abusive partner, no. The hatchling told her dismissively.

Lithya stood in anger, her eyes wide, but she did not cry. No no no. She would not. Instead, she turned to Baeris and glared at her.

The Masterhealer spoke up. “I can put you down for the next clutch, it’ll be pretty special too...” Baeris shrugged. Lithya glared some more while she considered. "Of course. I'll show that little draconic brat! Quiz time, indeed! I'll show her a quiz!"

See what happens next!

Lithya's Stats
Name Lithya
Age 18
Rank Candidate
Birthplace Fort Hold
Dragon Name ---
Hair Black
Eyes Dark brown
Pets None