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Baeris Kshau's Healing Den
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"Sure grew up fast, m'love! Seems just last sevenday that I was carving your hatchling image!" R'tek remarked absently as he carefully etched Dharnath's image on the dusty charcoal. The dragon was a midnight black until the sun illuminated the brown sheen in his hide. No matter. Now that I am full-grown, I may do more things! Dharnath replied, while still retaining his motionless pose. R'tek paused in his work to admire his dragon for a moment. Dharnath was only just bigger than a large green; about twenty-eight meters, but R'tek knew for a fact that his dragon had more endurance than a lot of bronzes! Perhaps he could even fly a gold.

At that thought, R'tek smiled indulgently. Dharnath had had his eye on the big white-gold female from his same clutch ever since they'd been weyrlings. Well, Senorith is very beautiful. Many bronzes will pursue her. But they shall not be able to outlast me! Dharnath interjected, as always calm. R'tek was sometimes quite surprised and impressed that his lifemate was so even-tempered and serene, that Dharnath could stay still for long periods of time when other dragons would be restless. There is no reason to move or be agitated. Tranquility is more efficient, and allows time for thinking. I move when I have to. I work when it is time for work. What is to be surprised at? The brown-black dragon reasoned mildly, catching his rider's thoughts. Dharnath gazed at no particular point, head resting on forepaws and wings half spread. R'tek's eyebrows went up and he nodded. "I suppose you're right, Dhar. Still, most dragons aren't like you. And where did you learn the word 'tranquility'?" he asked affectionately, putting last touches on his charcoal drawing. I don't remember where. I think it must've been from you. Dharnath did the dragon equivalent of a shrug.

* * *

R'tek dropped his riding gloves down on the table and grinned at his lightly dozing dragon. "Wake up, lazybones! I've signed you up for the mass flight at the Healing Den! I'd say you've got a much better chance at flying a dragon in this event!" the rider chuckled. Dharnath raised his head slightly, as if unconcerned, to look squarely at R'tek. Is Senorith participating? the dark-colored dragon queried. R'tek shrugged. "Beats me. She'll probably sign up later on."

Dharnath put his head down again.

* * *

R'tek was pacing about absently in the small weyrbowl of the Healing Den, along with the other riders waiting for their dragons to rise. Hearing Masterhealer Baeris' concerned words, he added his own remark. "I think you might just want to let the herdbeasts and wherries go...we'll work it out later."

R'tek turned as he heard Dharnath's loud growl. The black male, Faloritoth of Sapphire Weyr, had lit down near him. Reassured that Dharnath wasn't going to do anything more than growl, R'tek turned back to Baeris, who was commenting on where the dragons were from. "But there are others who have dragons like this, aren't there?" he asked. "Not many. And none like mine..." The Masterhealer replied, looking towards her own green-gold Dulath.

Everyone's attention was abruptly diverted as a white female, Calitinth, shrieked and jumped into the wherry pen. She was followed quickly by the purple Julanith. R'tek felt a burst of pride as Dharnath pounced on a wherry, the first of the males to blood.

Dharnath leaped, one with the other eight dragons, into the air with wings pumping. All the riders gasped. R'tek, the other male riders, and their dragons all watched in astonishment as the females formed a strange formation, spiraling, flipping, and turning in an intricate dance, all as a unit in the air. Five males. Four females. One of them would not get a mate, it seemed.

Then R'tek heard his dragon bespeak all the males. They will accept any or all of us. the brown-black dragon said calmly. R'tek gasped. "The girls are sharing their mates?" he asked Sab're, Faloritoth's rider, who nodded.

R'tek felt slightly puzzled. Dharnath seemed to be hanging back. Just slightly. He kept up with the field, yes, and made the occasional swipe for the nearest female...but it was almost as if the dark dragon was waiting for something.

Both rider and dragon watched as three females were caught. Dharnath began to fly with more vigor, reaching out for white Calitinth, when bronze-white Jaluth dove between them and almost tackled the white female out of the air! Eps'on, Jaluth's rider, choked out a laughing apology, although the irritated R'tek couldn't tell who it was directed at.

Dharnath continued flying, disconsolate and swinging his head back and forth forlornly. Suddenly, a fierce roar pierced air and ear as Senorith, glowing white-gold, burst from between and launched into the air after dropping her rider off.

It was only Dharnath and Senorith in the air now. The charcoal-brown dragon matched the shining female move for move. He'd been conserving his energy, after all, and had abstained from fancy tricks. Stamina was what always won the queen in the end!

"...were you planning this?" R'tek vaguely heard the Masterhealer's query. Myia answered with a thumb pointing to her dragon, "She was, I think." R'tek felt Dharnath's and his own remark surface, "I'm so glad she did.."

Senorith beat her large wings harder, trying to gain more altitude. The white-gold, however, had gorged slightly and found herself weighed down. Dharnath slid up beside her, twining his brown-black tail with her bright golden one. The two dragons plummeted gracefully towards the ground.

I knew I would catch her in the end! None shall be her mate but me! Dharnath declared tiredly in R'tek's mind. The rider smiled softly.

R'tek's Stats
Name Rynitek/R'tek
Age 19
Sex Male
Rank Dragonrider
Birthplace Crom Hold
Hair Dark Brown
Eyes Hazel-flecked Brown
Dragon Name Dharnath
Pets None
Weyrmate Myia

Dharnath's Stats
Name Dharnath
Age Adult
Color Brown-black
Mate White-gold Senorith
Rider R'tek
Dam Unknown
Sire Unknown
Birthplace Baeris Kshau's Healing Den