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We've come a long way, haven't we, Cada? Mariana asked her weyrling green absently as they listened to the Weyrlingmaster's lecture. We haven't gone anywhere, rider mine, we're still sitting right here. Cadaeth replied in a puzzled tone, interpreting her rider's question differently. No no, silly dear, I meant we've done a lot and seen a lot since the Hatching. Mariana explained, stifling a laugh. Oh. the green dragon clearly still didn't understand. Mariana looped an affectionate arm around Cadaeth's neck and told her dragon not to worry. Cadaeth craned her head around and gave her rider a draconic smile.

Just then, Mariana's three flits burst out of between and zipped around her head, chittering and chirping at each other.

* * *

It is very clumsy and heavy, this flamethrower. Why can't I chew firestone like the other greens? Cadaeth grumbled as they flew to meet Threadfall with the queens' wing. You'll chew firestone later, love. I just want you to have the experience of laying eggs. Okay? Mariana soothed her disgruntled green.

Cadaeth was silent as she made for a particularly thick clump, her great wings sweeping. Mariana felt the fierce joy of seeing the Threads burnt to a crisp. Dragonmen must fly/when Threads are in the sky! Cadaeth bugled, almost challenging the deadly silver rain. The green dragon tilted her head back to make sure they hadn't missed any. One Thread burrow could devastate the entire continent!

Mariana's Stats
Name Mariana
Age 15
Rank Greenrider
Dragon Name Cadaeth
Birthplace Harper Hall
Hair Black
Eyes Brown
Pets Gold Flit Flitta,
Green Flit Goldleaf
White Flit Dawnstar

Read her Search and Impression

Cadaeth's Stats
Name Cadaeth
Age Adult
Color Green
Rider Mariana
Birthplace Mooncrest Weyr
Dam Gold Padrieth
Sire Bronze Ferith
