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Leaving so soon? *sob* Oh, well, do come back! Guess the least I can do is give you a few links to send you on your way. Have fun and play nice! See ya again soon! :-)

Hot E! Links

Rampart General Hospital Emergency Center Main Page
Check it out, cute site!

USAR-1 Information Site
Let's get Randy Mantooth back on TV!

Erica & Rozane's Emergency! Page
The ultimate in E! sites!

Emergency! Dispatch
All the E! links and info you could ever want.
Some E! fic, lots and lots of fic from other fandoms.

Code Red
Brice fic & more. Join the E!fic mailing list!

The Gage Brigade
Aw, how can we forget Johnny Angel? :-)~

"Unrestrained" by Peggy
Really cute crossover! Just find it in the list of "U" stories on MTA.

Anti-Mary Sue pages & links
Why Mary Sue must die. How to tell if you have a Mary Sue.

Tribute to firefighters
This is really beautiful

Two Chickies
Bunch of cool E! and CHiPS fic!

Pascal's Emergency Page
Got a lot of cool stuff!

E! From the Heart
A home for the romantic in us all.

Tigger's Site
Most of these pics come from her site. Thanks, Tig!

And since I have the Tigger song now stuck in my head, I believe I'll share. Click here.

This song, by the way, is "Graduation" by Vitamin C. Just if you're interested. For those who don't know, it involves leaving friends behind, et al. So it seemed appropriate.