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Buddy's Picture Page

Cocker fans, you are in the right place! Here's the place to find pictures of all the funny (and somewhat humilating) things I do with Buddy.

Lookit those ears flop!

Buddy going over the dogwalk!

Buddy coming out of the tunnel.

Buddy going over the dogwalk (yes, again!)

Daily life with Buddy

Buddy enjoying being the center of attention (The kids don't belong to us :>).

Buddy fetching a kong (I put the strap on it, he doesn't like to carry the kong otherwise!)

"Lookit the purty flowers. Purty, purty, purty!"

"Hi ma! Hi ma! Hi ma!"

Playin' dress up!

Bud's Halloween costume, 2000. This costume was made by yours truly (okay, I have NO life!).

Buddy's bug t-shirt (it was too cute to resist, and since I have no human children, it goes to the cocker!).

Not sure about this yet, either he's playing "Danny" in a local production of "Grease" or he's a Punk Cocker . . .

"Like, turn on, tune out, man."

"Okay, I've got the shirt. . . but where AM I going to go on vacation???"

More to come later!

This page is under construction . . .

So please check back often! Buddy thanks you :>.

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