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At CD Savers we cater to a variety of businesses, from locally owned music and video stores who may send in 20 or 30 discs a week, to larger business who may send us as many as 400 CDs a week. We have found that for these companies, and for any other client that requires more refinishing than the average consumer, a bulk-rate would be more cost efficient for both parties. So for all clients that require more than 14 CDs to be refinished simply print out the order form below and mail it along with your CDs and CD Savers will refinish them and Ship them back to you at our expense. The cost for our bulk-rate is only $3.50, a substancial amount less than our standard rate. CD Savers appreciates your bussiness and guarantees the quality of our work.

Client ______________________________
Phone _____________________________
Address ___________________________
City/Zip ___________________________
Project Due Date __________________
Music CD ________________________
DVD _____________________________
Playstation ______________________
Sega Dreamcast _________________
CD Rom _________________________
Description __________________________

Special Notes________________________________

Total Services Rendered __________________________________________________________________________

Customer Signature _____________________________ Date __________________
Total Estimate __________________________________ Total Invoice ___________