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Calit's Nest

You knock on the door of a finely made stone house. When you get no answer, you open the door and and are greeted by a large, cream colored dog. She licks your hand and seems quite freindly and well mannered.

You peer inside and see a large room, dim, and furnished comfotably with a cushy couch and and low table. The floor is covered with an intricately designed rug. There is a painting hanging above the fireplace. It depicts a beautiful woman, beside a stunning silver dragon.

You step inside the room look around to see if anyone is home.
"Hello?" you call out hesitantly.
"Just a minute!" a distant voice calls out. The dog(whose tags read Cordella) perks up at the sound of the voice and wags her tail. A moment later, a young girl of 16 strides in.

She is of average height, and her figure is plain as well. Her long, dark, hair is in two braids, tossed carelessly over her shoulders. The one thing that strikes you about her are her grey eyes. They are sharp, clear, and when you think about it, rather unnerving. They certainely make her look interesting, if not exactly beautiful. She is wearing a plain white dress made of thick material and she wears no makeup. She tells Cordella to heel and she lies obediently at her feet.
"Hello, is there anything I can do for you?"
"Oh no, I was just looking around Talon Nest."Well, do come in. Are you a candidate?
"No, not yet. For now I'm just looking."
"I'm a candidate at Talon Nest. I hope you will become one too. It is so exciting. I can't wait to become a dragonrider. I just hope I'm not left standing on the sands. I've been reading about dragons alot, and my mother is a silver rider herself..." As Calit talks, it is obvious that she is entranced by dragons. Her personality is bubbly and kind, making you feel as if you have known her forever.
There is a sudden screech from the next room. You jump, startled. "What was that?" you ask.
"Oh, that's my frace, Sathya. Would you like to see her? In fact, feel free to look around. Make yourself at home, I love visitors."
You nod and she leads you to a large door. "This leads to the main hall." she says, and dissapears through the door. "

Main Hall

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