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PaPaLhEnPaBaYo FaMiLy

This is the entire 'PaPaLhEnPaBaYo' family...

This is my ma...Michelle...WaSsAp!!!

This is pa...Charnella...
i know what you're thinking... what!

We are the first set of twins...
charlene's the youngest and i am the oldest...

This is my sis toni...she's so sweet...
She's the second oldest...
((if the order of the children are starting to confuse you...
just don't think about it...))

This is my otra sis... toni's twin...krystal... making sense?

HaHa... aren't we happy as mother and daughter...

ma, mariSa and me... ¡MeRry ChriStMas 2000!

...tina...steph (me)... ma (michelle)...
...we are so troublesome...

steph, christine, michelle and toni...
we're so georgeous

ClIcK oN tHe

tO ReTuRn tO sTePh'S pAlAcE