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Freddy Vs. Jason

Freddy fans and junior Jasons, your movie is finally going to be made.

Robert Englund made several comments to Popcorn regarding the often discussed showdown between Freddy Krueger of Wes Craven's Nightmare on Elm Street fame and Jason from Sean Cunningham's Friday The 13th. Central to the interview is that Englund has guaranteed us that he will be dusting off his striped T-shirt and hat for another turn as Santa Claws in Freddy vs. Jason. Englund says that Stephen Norrington (Blade) will be replacing Guillermo Del Toro as director, and may even pen the flick as well. (We're not sure how this jibes with the info from USA Today that Mark Protosevich would be scripting.) It will be interesting to see whether Stephen makes any alterations to Jason's mask by changing his Bernie Parent special to something modern, or keeps things old school for us.

The only bad news is that Englund says there is no rush to get things going. The upside is that they are being extremely careful to make sure they do it right for their fans. How far will this movie take the big battle? Englund hopes "it would be a great Freudian, psycho, sicko dreamscape to go inside Jason's head and see what goes on when he's dreaming and maybe show what led Jason to become the evil that he is." Freddy must be sharpening his claws in anticipation, but he better hope Jason is dreaming when they meet up. After all, the only way our favorite anti-hero can hope to defeat the hockey-masked marauder is in his sleep. -

It's a fight to the finish between two of the most famous horror icons ever created from the A Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th film franchises.

In one corner - Freddy Krueger - The bastard son of a nun raped by forty imprisoned psychopaths. Krueger became a school janitor and began killing children along Elm Street - until the surviving teenagers found out and burned him alive in his own shack. Years later when the teens had become parents, Krueger returned in the dreams of their sons & daughters and killed them & all those who helped them one-by-one over the course of six murderous encounters before he was killed by his daughter. A more sinister version of Krueger made it into the real world, haunting the actress who played the first film's heroinne before she & her son defeated him once and for all.

In the other corner - Jason Voorhees - born disfigured he was thought to have drowned in the famous Camp Crystal Lake when he was a young boy due to the fact that the teenage lifeguards were too busy pleasing each other to watch out for the young boy. Years later, after the death of his schizophrenic mother who killed a group of teenagers trying to reopen the camp, Jason went on three murderous rampages until his death. The killer was copycated a year or so later, but even the grave couldn't hold the real Jason and he returned on four more killing sprees before he was eventually pulled into Hell.

Now the knife-fingered psycho and the hockey-masked murderer have both been resurrected, and god help those who stand in their way. - Dark Horizons

According to the man of your (and my) dreams, Robert Englund (via TWEC), David Goyer "is now doing the final draft of FREDDY VS. JASON. I have been promised by the absolute power at New Line Cinema that we are going to start, at least in pre-production, in February! So we might have a Freddy 2000."

Englund also says he's heard a rumor that "there will be two endings to FREDDY VS. JASON - Freddy will win in one, and Jason will win in another. And the audience will never know what ending they'll see, because they'll change the last reel."
"I heard some really interesting stuff about the story and how they tie Freddy and Jason together. One of the ideas is to make Freddy the janitor at the Crystal Lake camp and so forth. I am sure it will be fun." - Robert Englund

Word round the campfire is that the upcoming Freddy vs. Jason project has been given the tentative title Freddy vs. Jason: MILLENNIUM MASSACRE! Tommy Jarvis, the little bald Cory Feldman character who picks up the machete and butchers Jason old-school style, is said to be prominently featured in Freddy vs. Jason. - Dr. Octagon's Rumor Mill of Horror

The working title(s) that have been thought of are the following:A Nightmare on Friday the 13th, Millineum Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street 8, Friday the 13th X: The Freddy and Jason Movie - IMDB

While speaking with Wicked magazine, the man behind the Jason Vorhees mask, Kane Hodder, revealed a little about Jason X (already in production) and Freddy vs. Jason (still in development hell). Regarding the next installment in the Jason series, Hodder said "It'll do very well. I do appearances around the country every year and the only question I consistently get is when's the next movie coming out?" Regarding the status of the long-awaited Freddy vs. Jason picture, Hodder replied "I'm sure it will happen, and I definitely want to do it because that would be something that the fans have really been waiting for. I think it would be fun to kick Freddy's ass." Thanks to Cinescape for the news. - Escribe

Once again, here's another bit of news in regards to the much talked about proposed creature-fest FREDDY VS. JASON. Will the film ever go before the camera? Most probably, if actor Robert (Freddy Krueger) Englund has anything to do with it. The thespian revealed recently during an online chat at TWEC that the film would "most definitely (be made). The powers that be want this to be done right. They've already been in bed with, and consulted with, talents as diverse as Rob Bottin, the great special effects creator, as a potential director. Here is your scoop: As we talk tonight, the newest draft of FREDDY VS. JASON is being readied by the screenwriter of one of my favorite films of two years ago, BLADE. So scream it out on the Internet - the screenwriter of BLADE is now doing the final draft of FREDDY VS. JASON. I have been promised by the absolute power at New Line Cinema that we are going to start, at least in pre-production, in February! So we might have a FREDDY 2000."

Is scribe David Goyer actually penning the draft? Last word was that James Robinson's monster-mash of a script was undergoing a rewrite by Mark Verheiden, but given Hollywood's penchant for indecision, it certainly wouldn't be unusual if Goyer has taken the reins. Interestingly enough, Englund expounded upon the possibility of the eventual script/film having two separate endings!

"I think FREDDY VS. JASON is a new interpretation of the franchise, especially since New Line Cinema secured the rights to the FRIDAY THE 13th films," said the actor. "I'd imagine that this would be the finale. Though there might be more FRIDAY THE 13th films - I don't know. I've heard a rumor that there will be two endings to FREDDY VS. JASON - Freddy will win in one, and Jason will win in another. And the audience will never know what ending they'll see, because they'll change the last reel." - Universal Studios

Finally there's my side to this movie. I feel personally since Freddy is more popular and has been around longer that he should be the victor. I like both Robert Englund and Kane Hodder. It's just the Friday the 13th's are the same idea of the last one. Friday the 13th's are good, but don't have the franchising ideals and what it takes to be a good horror movie like A Nightmare on Elm Street. Then again that's just my opinion. - Bad Dreams Inc

Even the creator of the "Simpsons" did a show that had the opening part have the two sit on the couch. Notice how Jason looks like the shape of Homer and Freddy is like a charcoal version of Grandpa Simpson?

This is one of the first Freddy vs. Jason posters I have ever seen. Who knows what poster, they will end up using, if any of these at all!

Imagine your worst nightmare, times that by 13...

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