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Asian Pride

ThAnK fOr vIsItInG~!! KeEp On RePrEsEntInG AzN PrYde or WuT yOuR pRiDe Is~!!! (DiS iS nOt A rAcIsT'S pAgE~!! SoMe Of ThE pOeMs On DiS sItEs Is RaCiSt~!! JuSt WaNt U tO nO tHaT i HaVe NuTtIn To Do WiTh iT~!! So DoN'T bE lIkE sEnDiN mE rAcIsTs' E-MaIl~!!) MaY aLl RaCe LiVe In PeAcE~!!! pEaCe OuT~!!


Well This Writing Annoys Me Now. *sigh* How Much Have Changed... Well I Made A New Layout For This Page And For I Think Two Others About 2 Years AGo And I Have No Idea Where It Is Now So YeaH... This Page Will Not Be Updated At All. I Forgot The Password For A While And Somehow Now Magically I Could Login Again. I Thought Of Continuing Since I Have Faster Connection Well For 5 Days Out of 7 But I Lost My Passion. I Will Keep The Pictures Up But I Got So Many New Ones Since The Time And Too Bad I Can't Share With All Of You. Pity... Peace Out... This Site Is Officially Over... Maybe One Day I Will Find My Muse Again... ReMeMbEr To TaG My LiL G-BooK!!

SiGniE mY LiL g-BooK! ThAnKiE!

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Just to let you know..feel free to take any pixie off of this site...=)

FYI: The Disclaimer ~ None Of The Pictures Are Mine.

~*~AsiAn pRiDE 4 LiFE~*~

AzN piCs
Sacramento Kings
One Voice
CoCo LeE
*N SyNc
98 DeGrEeS
BaCkStReEt BoYs
AnImAtEd GiF
SaiLor Moon
PiXiEs vErY cUtE

FoR FiNaL FaNtAsy ThiNgS