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Service of Legal Process in Taiwan and China



Generally service of process in Taiwan(ROC), by our investigators, takes from 14-21 days. In the event of specific time limitations, service can be effected in 5-10 days (after we receive all documents); but this type of express service generally requires a surcharge.

Service of Process in China(PRC)generally must be routed through a governmental agency and as such, time limitations may vary (up to nine months). This is due to the fact that China is a signatory to the Hague Convention and as such, certain procedures are followed. There are some alternatives, which may be discussed on a case to case basis. One of those alternatives is to have one of our investigators personally serve your documents without filing them with the government (China). In the event that we follow this procedure, we would then take the proof of service to Hong Kong and have it notarized when completed. This is the normal procedure that we follow and takes 10 to 15 days.

Our standard procedure in serving foreign documents in Taiwan(ROC), is to attempt service three times, in at least three days.  If service is not completed after the third attempt, we will then leave a copy of all documents (sub service) at the official address of the person/entity being served, and send a copy by Taiwan Registered Mail(United States Registered Mail will not suffice), return receipt requested. When conducting a standard service of process in Taiwan , it is not necessary to translate (into Chinese) the documents (this is based on information from the U.S. State Department) being served, into Chinese. China (PRC) does require a translated copy of the documents, in that they are signatories to the Hague Convention and follow certain specified guidelines, unless we do a personal service without government filing. Thus, with our method of service there is no requirement for documents to be translated

It is necessary for us to have the official Chinese name of the person or entity being served, in that all registered companies in Taiwan and China, are registered under an official Chinese name. In the event that the client does not have this information, it can be obtained through our investigative process, prior to serving the documents (at an additional cost). The investigative process will also confirm the current and correct registered address of the person/entity being served, their registered agent for service of process and their current legal standing. This is why it is important to use a local firm such as ours, instead of an outside agency not based in Taiwan(ROC) or China(PRC), to serve legal documents. Keep in mind that in Taiwan it is not necessary to have any type of government involvement in the service of process, but there is a specific procedure to follow. Routing documents through government sub-contractors is time consuming, expensive and not necessary in Taiwan, Hong Kong or on a case to case basis in China. Furthermore, there are certain legalities governing process servers which may invalidate your service, if not properly followed. If the company that you retain to handle your service of process is not registered in Taiwan, you could have a future problem with validation of the service. We clearly understand both the local culture and the appropriate laws, enabling us to professionally meet our clients expectations. Our investigators are registered and licensed.   

After service has been completed, we will execute the proof of service, which has been provided to us by the client and return same by overnight mail.  If requested by the client, we will have the proof of service notarized at the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) or in the case of a service being conducted in China, at the nearest official Notary (generally in Hong Kong). 

In the event that the client requires a formal Affidavit of Service to be executed in Taiwan, said Affidavit must be executed at the Taipei District Court and formally legalized.  Notarization or legalization generally consumes one full day of an investigators time and when there is such a requirement from the client or court, there is an additional charge for this service which generally ranges from $250.USD to $550.USD. Charges are dependant on the amount of time spent in completing the process. Notarization is often times a requirement by the judicial entity of jurisdiction and in any event, it is highly recommended by us. One such state that requires notarization is the State of New York. Notarization is highly recommended in that it tends to validate the service.


When there is a situation which requires Letters Rogatory, then there are certain procedures which must be followed, utilizing diplomatic channels and specified governmental agencies in the country of service.  Process of Service involving Letters Rogatory are time consuming and will take from six months to more than one year to complete.  When following the Letters Rogatory procedure, all documents must be translated from English into Mandarin Chinese.  In addition to the necessity of utilizing a local attorney, there are also a variety of costs and fees involved in this procedure.  We do not generally recommend this procedure unless it has been mandated by the court of jurisdiction or if the case involves a criminal complaint and or the seizure of evidence.

It should be noted that even if the Letters Rogatory procedure is followed, there is still an independent procedure to be followed in Taiwan with reference to the enforcement of foreign court ordered judgments. This independent procedure requires appearances in the Taiwan Court System, representation by a Taiwan attorney and the posting of a cash deposit in the amount of one third of the judgment which is being sought to be recovered.  Thus utilizing Letters Rogatory may often provide false assurances and expectations.  Each case should be independently researched and assessed.

Should the client require legal services or advice in Taiwan relative to their specific case, we can recommend law firms which have a proven track record of being case specific.  In reference to the execution of foreign judgments, it is often necessary to utilize the services of a local attorney to work with investigators that will ultimately execute the seizure orders, issued by the Taiwan judicial system.  [EXECUTION OF FOREIGN JUDGMENTS IN TAIWAN]

It should be noted that a standard service of process does not require the services of an attorney in China or Taiwan.

We have provided the above information as a public service and to reduce the time spent by us in replying to the many inquiries we receive, with reference to service of process in Taiwan and China.  Because we have operated in Taiwan and the Greater China Region for more than fifteen years, thus, we believe that our experience and expertise are an asset to our clients. 

Asiavest is recognized as the premier investigative agency in the Greater China Region. Our list of clients include foreign governments, Fortune 500 companies, publicly traded companies, law enforcement agencies and international law firms.  Asiavest is owned and operated by former law enforcement officers from both Asia and the United States.  All investigative requests are routed through our United States office, where they are reviewed and forwarded to our regional offices for appropriate action.  On site reports are prepared in Chinese and then routed back to our United States office where they are translated into an English formatted report and submitted to our clients.  This process ensures a high level of credibility, quality and professionalism.

THIRD PARTY SERVICE OF PROCESS: Often times we are retained to serve third party subpoenas.  This process generally consumes the same amount of time as does the service of a summons and complaint.  In fact when we serve third party documents, we make a point of reviewing the documents with the recipient and explaining the legal obligations of compliance.  We advise the party served that we are based locally and are available to provide them with assistance in complying with the foreign request.  We also send a copy of the documents to the recipient by Taiwan registered mail, return receipt requested. This in itself has legal standing in recognizing effective service, but is only effective in conjunction with personal service or legal sub-service.  We have noted that most process servers in Taiwan, just serve the documents and provide no explanations or follow-up.  This has led to a very high percentage of non-compliance by recipients.  In this type of situation it is difficult to enforce court ordered sanctions for non-compliance, considering that the court ordered sanctions would be from a foreign jurisdiction.  This is why Letters Rogatory are used in most criminal cases, even though it is a very time consuming process. 


Because of our ability to explain the contents of the documents and provide follow-up, our rate of non-compliance is zero.  Effecting efficient compliance to third party process requires proper communication and precise follow-up.  Third party service of process generally takes from 10-21 days after receipt of all documents.  We have found that notarization of the proof of service in this type of instance is not necessary, unless required by the court although it is recommented by us.   The fees billed for third party service of process are based on our standard hourly rate, plus costs and travel expenses for cases outside of Taipei city.


Clients will soon discover that by using the services of Asiavest, they will be getting professional, quality service, from a firm that has more than twenty five years of experience in the Greater China Region. We are the primary firm in Taiwan, with fully staffed offices.

CONTACT:  When contacting us regarding a Process of Service matter, be sure to provide us with (1) name of city and country where the service is to be done (2) whether we will be serving a corporation or individual (3) if there has been a prior attempt of service or if you have knowledge that there may be an attempt to avoid service, and (4) if you will want your proof of service notarized (highly recommended).  By providing us with answers to these questions, it will be easier for us to provide you with a fee estimate (our fees are based on our hourly rate of USD125. per hour) and general overview of your case.  It is also our standard procedure to attempt service three times before effectuating a sub-service.  If you prefer more attempts at service rather than the standard three times, you must try to advise us in advance.  It is always best to initially contact us by e-mail and we will confirm all arrangements by telephone contact (702) 227-7266 or (702) 324-0577....Fax#(702)364-1055 or by return e-mail .  At the same time, we will answer any additional questions.  Your e-mail should also include the name of your firm and your return telephone number.  Generally you will be contacted within twelve hours of us receiving your e-mail.

DISCLAIMER: The general information contained on this page is strictly for informational and discussion purposes.  This information is not to be construed or viewed as any type of legal advice or formalized procedure.  There are many instances which may be considered as case specific and as such it shall be the responsibility of our clients and other interested parties to independently check and verify all available information as it may apply to their own specific circumstances.  When serving legal documents in Taiwan or China, we follow the specific instructions of our clients and as such we assume no liability as to the validity of the service of process.  It is dependant on you the client to provide us with the appropriate documentation and procedure that you would like followed when serving your legal documents. We require the client to provide us with the documents to be served plus a completed proof of service, which our investigators will date and sign. They will also check the appropriate boxes on the proof of service, relative to the type of service. We take no responsibility for improperly provided proofs of service or incomplete sets of documents. It is the clients responsibility to provide the proper documents and the proper proof of service. Many times clients fail to provide a complete set of documents or fail to provide a statement of damages. In this case, certain documents must be re-served and new charges would be applicable. There would also be certain fees for re-signing of documents or re-mailing of documents. This is why it is important for the client to provide a complete and accurate set of documents. Once the client receives the completed proof of service, client has 48 hours to notify us of any incomplete information or improper documentation. This notification must be in written form. If there is no notification of incomplete proof of service or other problems within the 48 hour time period, then Asiavest assumes no liability/responsibility for incomplete proofs of service or other related problems. It should also be noted that there is no flat fee for process serving in Taiwan and China.  All fees are billed at an hourly rate (USD125.), plus costs and travel expenses.  An advance retainer fee is required prior to proceeding with the service of process. For more info on services and fees, go to:


Beware of agencies that offer a flat fee or a no service no fee arrangement. A flat fee, set fee, or no service no fee arrangement for service of process in certain areas of the Greater China Region will invalidate the service if challenged, in certain jurisdictions. Also, be certain that the firm you are dealing with has actual operations in Taiwan and China or are they just going to sub-contract out your work to someone else and take the many risks? Many firms will offer to provide service in this area, but generally they will sub-contract the work to another firm, opening the door to inefficiency and higher charges. We are the only United States firm providing this service on site.

NON-PAYMENT: In the event that client fails to pay their outstanding invoice in a timely manner(within 30 days of receiving our invoice/notice), we reserve the right to file a Notice of Non-Payment in the Taipei District Court; which will nullify the original service of process. Should this procedure be pursued, our investigator will file a notice with the court indicating that the initial service of foreign process was not completed in accordance with the agreed upon terms and conditions for the service of process. Should client fail to pay all invoices in a timely manner, this option may be exercised, which will in turn cause the service of process to be null and void. This action would be non-reversible, once filed with the court. [WARNING ... WARNING]

If any provision of these terms and conditions shall be deemed unlawful, void, invalid or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from these terms and conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. Absolutely no specific or implied representations, instructions and or warranties are made by our firm, our employees and or, our agents, with reference to the service of legal documents in Taiwan, China, Macao, or Hong Kong, or work performed in said areas.




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