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gong08 The Theory & Practice of Medical Qi Gong

 The Eighth Scroll -
Using the Qi


Methods of Directing Qi

Qi is Directed through the following Four Mechanisms (plus the One Essential Quality:

Intention - Thought - Vision - Pointing - Detachment


Intention is a form of Will (Zhi). It is related to the Water phase and is activated through the Hara and the Hara line. Intention preceeds, gives rise to, and governs the other four mechanisms. See the Xin Empowerment Exercise.

Thought, as pure, focused consciousness, is an expression of the Shen. "The Qi follows the Mind." Thought is produced by the Fire phase and is activated through the Voice. "The Tongue is the Mirror of the Heart."

Vision is related to the Hun (Soul). Qi follows vision. Vision is governed by the Wood phase and it governs the direction and strength of projected Qi. See the Ki Directional Exercise.

Pointing is governed by the muscles which are governed by the Yi. Muscular activity is produced by the Earth phase and is activated through the Voice. "The Tongue is the Mirror of the Heart." Again, see the Ki Directional Exercise.


The Essential Quality - Detachment

Detachment is a product of the controlled Po. Mental activity is governed by the Metal phase and, in this case, the [mental] detachment is activated by avoiding the purpose of the exercise. This is, perhaps, the ultimate Key to Ki, the application of "miraculous Qi" through non-doing. This is so important that we comment further :

It helps to play a Trick on one's mind when practicing or projecting Qi Gong in order to treat any specific problem. As long as your mind is focused on a specific problem or disease, it is not possible to enter fully into the deep Qi Gong state in which true healing occurs. You must therefore learn to forget about the problem and look only to the immaculate performance of the immediate exercise and to the expectation merely of general benefits.

This is called. "Being detached from the results."
For best results, it is required in the healer (or the self-healer)
and in the patient.



Physiological Commentary

As one advances more deeply into the Qi Gong state, significant physiological changes occur. For one thing, consumption of oxygen decreases. The lung's capacity to absorb oxygen greatly increases. So does the lung tissue's oxygen storage capacity. Oxygen enrichment of the brain is an important key to many Qi Gong effects. Also, the white blood cell count goes up dramatically.

After practicing for several months, one who does Qi Gong faithfully will begin to experience spontaneous physical movements.

Only when the mind becomes calm and serene does one's bioenergy becomes strong enough to produce spontaneous movements. The first appearance of spontaneous movements represents significant progress along the Qi Gong learning curve. One cannot seek them out. They must come along spontaneously, in their own time.

Advancement in Qi Gong follows a natural course. One should strive to stay relaxed, calm and in good spirits. It is especially important to be and remain on good terms with family members. Some bad feelings, pains or excessive spontaneous movements are likely to occur. These may represent mental discord, pessimism or a lack of family support.

Everyone will at times feel uncomfortable, upset, angry or depressed. Everyone will experience sorrow, unfair treatment, or a guilty conscience. When these happen, try to overcome them with good works and exercises.

There is no better cure for mental and emotional turmoil than breathing exercises !



Internal Balance and Self-Healing

We have lost the Ancient Way of living in tranquillity. Qi Gong helps to restore this missing quality.

The regulation of thoughts, breathing and posture all help to reduce the bodymind neural activity. Qig Gng practice strengthens the body's electrical and biochemical signals, and the structure and sensitivity of the receptor cells. This quieting of the body permits physiological and biochemical functions to regain their healthy flows. This cures specific ailments, but it also strengthens one's overall biological field or bioenergy, drastically cuts down the number of free radicals, and minimizes their damage at the cellular level. These activities promote health and longevity.



External Healing

Among the Basic Purposes of these energetic exercises, is the action of imposing a disciplined and rhythmic pattern on the body. We impose willed control over breathing, normally an involuntary function of the parasympathetic nervous system. Doing so helps bring the body into phase with the larger rhythms of daily life, the cycles of the days and the seasons.

Most diseases are irregularities and dysfunctions. Put the body into phase and flow with the universe, and the Qi will flow more freely. Freely flowing Qi can eliminate irregularities and dysfunctions. Qi Gong permits a person to gain some control over autonomic functions. This form of biofeedback does not require machines.

Activating your Qi (or the Qi of another person) will make a person feel (variously) sore, numb, aching, warm, hot, cold, cool, floating, sinking, big, small, dizzy, and so forth . . . These feelings represent another major advance along the Qi Gong learning curve.

With sufficient practice, one may eventually become able to move one's Qi at will anywhere inside the body. Or even outside the body, wherein the practitioner manipulates the Qi in a patient through

Intention - Thought - Vision - Pointing - Detachment

This is called External Qi Gong.

A person's own willpower can then effect miraculous cures. Once the flow of Qi can reach the site of disease or illness, the cure can be astonishingly rapid.




Caution: The Transfer of Evil Qi

As a Practitioner or as a Patient, if you try to [mentally or emotionally] determine the outcome of this energy work, then you limit the effectiveness of the [universally intelligent] energy that you are engaging.

This is also how practitioners "pick up" symptoms from their clients; their [emotionally-charged] desire to "heal" the patient creates a feedback loop where the "healer" ends up absorbing the aberrant Qi patterns from the client. This is "bad news healing" and should be avoided !

In cases where known "sensitive" practitioners routinely pick up symptoms from their clients, with or without energy exercises, we find that this is usually a problem that just won't go away! Sometimes nothing seems to work and the practitioner may suffer excessively. Amazingly, the application of the Xin Empowerment has shown to remedy this situation. Remember what was said in Scroll 5 :

Empowerment Energies may be utilized at any time without negative transfer.

For example, if you are very tired you may still use the energy to heal others without further depleting yourself; in fact, you will benefit from it as the rejuvenating energy must move through (and clear) your Nadis before reaching the person being treated.

Negative states, such as confusion, anger, or depression, are neither transferred from you [the practitioner] to another person; nor from another person to you, due to a built-in screening process which is inherent in the Empowerment Procedure.




Empowerment Energies are administered in the same manner that Qi Gong or Ki energies are delivered. In fact, they all are the same energies.



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