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The Theory and Practice of Spiritual Acupuncture

Lecture 5 - Imprinting

The Imprinting of Human consciousness
Imprinting of the Physical consciousness
Imprinting of the Emotional consciousness
Imprinting of the Mental consciousness
The Social (Paraconscious)Imprint
Imprinting of the Causal consciousness
Imprinting of the Akashic consciousness
Imprinting of the Metaprogramming consciousness
Imprinting of the Monadic consciousness



EACH HUMAN BEING ENTERS THIS WORLD through essentially the same method, although the delivery procedure may vary somewhat in quality. It has been said that "All men are created equal," although students of political science are quick to add, " . . .under the Law."

It has also been said that human consciousness is very much like a computer. The human body, with its associated levels of consciousness, is like computer hardware, although the human brain still out-performs the computer in creative areas. Computer hardware consists of the screen, the keyboard, the internal circuit boards with their processors, the disk drives with their blank disks, and the printer. Power in a computer is the ability to do more work in a multidimensional manner.

So it is with a newborn child. We all see through a similar eye-lens-retina apparatus. Most of us have ten fingers and a nervous system that anatomists find essentially the same in basic structure. But we apparently do not all have the same amount of power.

The brain is like a computer disk. The disks are hardware. The disks have billions of spaces eagerly waiting to be impressed with electromagnetic imprints called "memory." The human brain also has billions of nerve cells (neurons) that are undifferentiated and eagerly waiting to be used, to be impressed with a neuro-electrical-chemical imprint we call "memory."

Computers cannot function without software. Software is the program the operator is running. Software is the part of the memorized program that directs the disk drives, determines the routes of the electromagnetic impulses, places the current message on the screen, and interfaces with the human operator, who does have something to say about all this through his or her keyboard.

Software, in the human sense, is what determines how we view life, how we act toward [and react to] our environment and the people in it, and how we all seem to have inherent genius in some area(s) with coexistent problem areas or "blind spots."

The work we do with a computer, the programs we select (word processing, accounting, games, or communications), the actual results that we produce, are like the processes of life. Which software programs are you usually running? What results have you gained, to be printed out on your printer?

The newborn child has very little of that which has been outlined above actually operating. Similarly, the newly delivered computer is useless until it is programmed with an operating system that is engraved so primally and is so deeply buried in memory that we hardly ever see it on the screen. It operates "behind the scenes" and is so deep that it may be considered to be part of the hardware itself. Until an operating system is electromagnetically imprinted onto/into the main disk (the hard drive), the computer cannot even run the simplest software programs. Human consciousness is the same. The child cannot receive impressions from, nor react to, life situations until he or she has built up a basic operating system of vision, hearing, and other sensory input, and has established a basic system of values and response mechanisms.

Lest we go too far astray, let us examine the differences in computers and babies. You can buy any computer on the market. Even if a computer is very powerful, you can still obtain the expensive price of purchase, even if you must work hard and save for ten years.

But what choice did you have when you received your human vehicle? Some say we had no choice, and we must accept what has been bestowed upon us. Many spiritual traditions assure us that we did have a choice in the matter, and that we "picked" our parents and environment at the time of our conception. Some of these traditions maintain that this choice is made in the third month of pregnancy.

The more esoteric traditions paint a slightly different picture, one that perhaps robs us of the concept of "free choice," but one that operates in a very balanced manner. They tell us that, in our immediately previous existence, the sum-total of that lifetime (and all the lifetimes before it) was established at the time of our last death. That electromagnetic sum-total, the bottom line of consciousness, is absorbed into the Soul body shortly after death. When the time comes for a new manifestation (incarnation), the sum-total complex is electromagnetically drawn into the most desirable developing fetus, manufactured by the most desirable parents, in the most desirable environment. In this case, "most desirable," means the most similar in frequency to the sum-total complex of the previous life.

The principle is, "The last thoughtform of any given lifetime determines the first thoughtform of the next lifetime, which (consequently) determines the initial life circumstances." The newborn consciousness knows nothing of these matters. Whatever experiences await it, it must receive its basic operating system before it can grow up and ponder the meaning and ways of life and death.

The method of receiving the basic operating system is called Imprinting. In our coursework in General Psychology, we learned that imprinting is a moment or space of time where animals (they usually refer to animals) receive an impulse from the environment that fixes itself into automatic reflexes. Chickens are known to adopt the first moving thing they see as their mother. Experiments with newly-hatched chicks, wherein large balls are being moved nearby, result thereafter in chicks constantly running after balls, just like they would run after their mother hen if psychologists had not interfered.

There is the story of the baby giraffe that was born next to a jeep. As a child giraffe, it constantly ran around after jeeps; as a young but mature giraffe, it attempted to mate with jeeps. Try to not let it disturb you, but humans are also susceptible to a similar imprinting process.


In terms of human behavior and consciousness, imprinting is an "accidental" process that can only occur at times of neurologically-induced Imprint Vulnerability. Therefore, it is usually not possible to artificially arrange the imprinting of our children, although parents certainly do seem to try! What parents, grandparents, and other concerned individuals do is called conditioning. The term, conditioning, is defined as an accidental or purposeful repetitive series of actions or stimuli. The term, learning, is something along the same line, but even more subtle.

IMPRINTS LAST FOR LIFE. They are permanent, and form our basic operating system. They may normally not be changed or revised or erased - except by very special means (see "Imprinting the Causal Consciousness," and the "Spiritual Consciousness," below). Our basic premise is, Re-imprinting and re-conditioning can be achieved, and this is a major goal of metaphysics, the spiritual path, and spiritual acupuncture.

Table 2- The Eight Neurological Circuits



EVERY HUMAN receives an "imprint" of the physical consciousness at birth and shortly thereafter. The physical imprint is something we have in common with even simple organisms: Survival. Physical imprints cause us to move forward toward that which is perceived as "nourishing," and cause us to move away from (backward) that which is perceived as "threatening." Every human is imprinted to/by the nipple (human or latex). The physical imprint is usually bestowed by the mother.

This physical imprint can be sedated by tranquilizers, opium derivatives, and (interestingly) massage. The goal of this most basic component of our operating system is survival, which in primitive consciousness means obtaining nourishment. We share this component with all animals, even including protozoa! In modern human consciousness this has indirectly and directly led to the concept of obtaining money, for money is the key to contemporary nourishment. You may correctly deduce that a person who receives a weak physical imprint will not be primarily motivated toward food or money, and may be malnourished and in constant financial difficulty as an adult.

There are two primary systems that attempt to reprogram the physical imprint. One is Psychology, the other is found in the Martial Arts.

The traditional Psychologist or Psychoanalyst will try to get their psychically-debilitated patient into, or back into, a mode of behavior where they can face the world and deal with it without being completely intimidated. This is only partially successful from a spiritual viewpoint because it is more like a patch-up job than a restructuring of the imprint. Contemporary "new age" psychologists may affect an alteration of the imprint if they are successful in getting the patient into a true expansion of consciousness.

The Martial Arts (Oriental and western) are more direct in their approach; this type of training involves repeatedly performing offensive and defensive movements and actions (conditioning) until the participant is tired. Ready to drop! Then he or she is encouraged or forced to continue. When one is on the verge of unconsciousness from fatigue, and the offensive/defensive movements go on, and on, then that is when the original physical imprint is able to be restructured. When suddenly assailed, a skilled martial artist or professionally trained militarist will react in defense by reflex, without the conscious mind or unconscious imprints being involved. In martial training, one is taught in many cases to step directly in toward an attacking assailant and to meet his attack with various skills and maneuvers. This is in direct opposition to most physical imprinting where we tend to back away from danger, and allows for a reversal of normal survival tactics.

However, a person originally imprinted with this type of a reversal, without special skills to make it work properly, will probably die young, for rushing toward fires, trains, and trucks is not compatible with longevity.

A strong survival imprint will create a person who is constantly suspicious; a comfortable physical imprint will create a person who is generally trustful of persons and situations in their environment. A weak physical imprint shows us a person who usually needs help in dealing with new situations, or perhaps with their entire life situation.


EVERY HUMAN receives an "imprint" of the emotional consciousness upon reaching the "toddler" stage (when first standing upright and beginning to walk at about 9 months of age) and shortly thereafter. The emotional imprint is something we have in common with most group organisms: Territorial dominance or passiveness. Emotional imprints cause us to assume a dominant or passive attitude in relation to others.

The emotional imprint is what gives a person "ego." Ego, in this sense is their dominant or passive emotional attitude, which can be read in body language and voice tones. The emotional position of the ego is usually enhanced by alcohol. Alcohol causes the dominant ego to become even more loud and overbearing. The Liver is connected with this phenomena through the correspondences of the emotions, the loud voice, and the necessity for detoxification (via the Liver) after consuming alcohol. We should note that some people become quiet, withdrawn, and even depressed upon consuming alcohol; such people have a weak or "inferior" emotional imprint. The major activity of the emotional consciousness is to acquire territory or status (emotional territory).


EVERY HUMAN receives several "imprints" of the mental consciousness, specifically at the intellectual, social, and causal levels. Each of these will be discussed below.


EVERY HUMAN receives an "imprint" of the intellectual consciousness (sphere eight on the Tree of Life) upon reaching the "monkey" stage (when moving around with curiosity and beginning to talk and to grasp objects around the age of 18 months), and shortly thereafter. The sphere eight intellectual imprint is something we have in common with most human beings: The ability to manipulate words and/or human artifacts (tools). Sphere eight imprints cause us to assume a "bright" or "dull" ability to verbally express and/or to manually operate tools.

The goal of this level of consciousness is manipulation of the environment through verbal (speaking) or manual (with the hands) means. This drive exists so that we might improve and enlarge our view of reality. This intellectual imprint is strongly conditioned by human artifacts (the things the monkey-stage child likes to grab) and human symbol systems (the alphabet, numbers, computer programs). This imprint is enhanced by the intake of caffeine, a high protein diet, cocaine, or amphetamines. Since this imprint leads toward manipulation of the environment, we ironically find that it is itself subject to manipulation by agents of the environment, particularly in the guise of theologians, ideologists, and mass-media advertisers.


EVERY HUMAN receives an "imprint" of the social consciousness (specifically at sphere seven) upon reaching puberty. The socio-sexual consciousness is imprinted by the first orgasms or mating experiences when triggered by the neurochemical hormones of puberty. The sphere seven social-intellectual imprint is something we have in common with most human beings: The ability to maintain social and sexual behavior within (or without) contemporary social law, custom, and moral behavior. Sphere seven imprints cause us to assume a "respectable" or "outlaw" stance in relation to social customs.

The social-sexual consciousness is conditioned by tribal taboos and customs. Every society may have a different sexual code, but regardless of differences, every society demands the right to establish and enforce its tribal morals and customs. Thus, in certain ancient societies, if one were of the royal caste, it would be proper, nay! obligatory, for one to marry one's sibling (brother or sister) in order to "preserve the royal bloodline." On the other hand, our modern American society prohibits anyone from marrying their sibling or closely-related cousins because it has been learned that preservation of the bloodline also brings forth undesirable, recessive, genetic traits, like the idiot-kings of medieval Europe. The social imprint is also the source of the "guilt" mechanism. It corresponds to the Paraconscious aura or body.


MANY HUMANS receive an "imprint" of the causal consciousness upon activating a proper "trigger." Suitable triggers might include meditation, sensory deprivation, free fall, zero gravity, religious rapture, faith healing, pranayama (breathing exercises), initiatory shock, tantra, cannabis intoxication, fasting, psychological stress, romantic love, and acupuncture. Causal plane imprints may be generated from any one of the three subplanes of the Causal plane on the Seven Planes Chart, but the third (lowest) subplane, corresponding to sphere six of the Tree of Life, is most common. Specifically, the causal imprint has the ability to instantly override the imprints of all lower spheres. Unfortunately, such an override is always temporary.

However, this does give us a key to salvation from the otherwise-impossible-to-change patterns imprinted on the various aspects of our personalities. The causal imprint is something we have in common with about twenty percent of humanity: It is the blurring of the separation between body and mind; the release of this separation leads to a feeling of ecstasy.

This level of consciousness, being attributed to sphere six, "Harmony and Beauty," encourages the individual to seek pleasure (hedonism), and the fine arts (music, art, sculpture, etc.) are a direct expression of this imprint. The pleasure, or more exactly the ecstasy, abolishes the struggle for survival (which is dominated by the first four levels of imprinting), and replaces it with a "floating" or "high" sensation.

This is the Level of Consciousness to which we attempt to lead or direct our patients and clients. Here, the old programming is temporarily superseded, and the individual has the opportunity to perceive life from a new perspective. The endorphin-induced euphoria experienced by most acupuncture patients is a small glimpse, a preview of coming attractions, of this causal-solar realm of peace and harmony.


SOME HUMANS receive an "imprint" of the akashic consciousness upon activating a proper trigger, that usually includes an ongoing, developing, lengthy experience with meditation (Causal consciousness). The use of sacred power plants is specific for activating or facilitating this imprint. The akashic consciousness is the realm of the Akashic Records, which is the storage place for historical information or previous existences. Specifically, the akashic imprint confers the ability to do specific work along specific evolutionary lines with 'memory' or an intuitive understanding of the universal factors involved. This imprint is something we have in common with about five percent of humanity.

Those who are operating from the akashic realm display tolerance of events and other people, compassion, and (interestingly) amorality. The charge of "amorality" has been hurled against every individual who ever saw the truth (the Akashic Records) and then spoke out, or acted, in accordance with that truth. Of course, truth is always in conflict with morality; morality is an arbitrary device used to control people through manipulation of the Social consciousness (mentioned above).


SOME HUMANS receive an "imprint" of the spiritual (metaprogramming) consciousness upon activating a proper trigger, which may include many years of advanced Raja Yoga and/or the practice of Ceremonial Magick. The Intuitional (Buddhic) plane and the Spiritual (Atmic) plane are known to metaphysicians and parapsychologists as the Metaprogramming Circuit or the Magical Consciousness. Specifically, the spiritual imprint confers the ability to construct a new reality tunnel. Accessing this level of consciousness is the only means to permanently reprogram the imprints of the personality, which otherwise will remain unchanged throughout a lifetime (and perhaps beyond!). This imprint is something we have in common with about three percent of humanity.

Activities related to Spiritual consciousness include Free Will, Meaningful Choice, Telepathy, Reprogramming and Reimprinting other (lesser) consciousness, and the transcendence of power struggles. It is often wise to not speak about this level of consciousness. The world in general holds low regard for individuals who exercise free will and speak about changing the nature of reality. For the person who succeeds in gaining access to this level, and is able to operate (even a little) herein, there lies the danger of degeneration into megalomania. In other words, one might get a swelled head (ego inflation) from feeling they hold some sort of supreme power. These difficulties are all made less likely by tempering the radiations from this level with some intellectual humor. The metaprogramming circuit is too real, and too powerful a concept, to project it directly outward to normal humanity without wrapping it extensively in a genuine sense of humor.


SOME HUMANS receive an "imprint" of the monadic consciousness upon activating a proper trigger, which may include clinical death (dying on an operating table and then being revived) or a 100% out-of-the-body projection. The Monadic plane is known by metaphysicians and parapsychologists as the Quantum Circuit.

Specifically, the monadic imprint confers the ability to access all the information of the Universe. Accessing this level of consciousness often results in reports of extra-terrestrial contact, communication with a "galactic overmind," or conversations with angels. Monadic consciousness exists without a biological container. The monadic imprint is something we have in common with only one to two percent of humanity.

On the Tree of Life, the Monadic plane is the uppermost sphere (number One). It has little to do with the events taking place in the three-dimensional world, and is said to cause an obliteration of the perception of time and space. You may have heard mystics, or marbleheads, discoursing on being "beyond time and/or space;" this is the realm to which they referred.



THE PROCESS of Imprinting serves as a scientific example of how consciousness is shaped, molded, and formed by ourselves and by our environment. It also serves to illustrate how we can change consciousness. It is presented in a rational and scientific manner, and can be understood by almost anyone, especially when any mystical or magical jargon is carefully suppressed. It is thus a suitable way of explaining levels of consciousness to patients, clients, and the general public without intimidation.

Go on to Lecture #6

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