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Site Of the Week

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ANIME Section!!

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Planet Vegita2k1 rpg site!
*NOTE*SeeMePlayMe is a new site that is said to be better than mplayer! it is going through alpha testing check it out!...

Layout designed by NKL-Gogeta
Copyright © 1998-2002 NKL (LTD)co.

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*Reminder*My site is still under heavy construction so feel free to look at what ive got and tell me what you think plz all vistors who want somethin that i didnt put up e-mail me! but plz all sign my guestbook thank you! Alright this one was a no brainer it figures that I would put this on my site right? Ha well your right this Weeks site of the week goes to the owner of NKL the best chick ever the coolest Lindsay and no i didnt choose her site because shes leader I chose it because she has some of the best artwork ever the layout of it all is awkward but it geocities cant do much there so Lindsay You are this weeks SITE OF THE WEEK check it out here THE END