Don't put me in your dreams, Forman...I don't even like being in your real life!
What are you gonna put on your job application? Dumbass?- Red

Welcome to We're All Alright! A fanlisting for That 70's Show! .

Recent Updates
7/19/04- Eek! I've been slacking, i know. Added 5 new members Jess, Heidi, Vicky, Dustin, Raquel. And I think I accidentally deleted an application, so if you submitted one and you werent added, just submit another application.
6/9/04- Wow, its been a while. sorry. Added 2 new members Mischa and Lynn!
3/24/04- Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm addicted to livejournal! Added 3 new members Jenn, Gill Rice, and Mary!
02/2/04- Added 1 new member Carmen!
01/05/04- Hey! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, all that good stuff!! Added 1 new member Sophia!
11/27/03- HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Added 1 new member Diane

I just started this little fanlisting because I love That 70's Show! If you love it too...join! It's just one of those shows where you can watch it and you know you're going to laugh! That's what's great about it!

-You gotta love That 70's Show! (T7S)
- You don't have to have a website, but if you do please put up a code before you join. keep the code up at all times!
- Your page doesn't have to be a pro's work! Come on, now! I'm not a pro myself! But make sure your site is not to crazy, (Ex: flashing backgrounds, billions of pop-up ads, etc.)just things that won't distract me from seeing your site!
- Please no KeYbOaRd AbuSe! That means no talking like this "heyz wazzup y'allz? meh and ma homiez r da bomb!" because it's hard to read even though you may think its legible!

These really aren't that hard are they? So grab a code and join.

Upload these to your own webspace and make sure to link them back to Thank you.


1. Maddie | http | USA | Jackie |
2. Allybally | http | Canada | Kelso |
3. Caro G | http | Canada | Eric |
4. Amanda | http |Canada | Eric |
5. Kaitlyn | http | USA | Jackie |
6. Washi | http |France | Donna |
7. Stacey | http |USA | Eric |
8. Frankie | http | USA | Red |
9. Cameron | http | USA | All |
10. Dana | http | USA | Eric & Donna |
11. Megan | http | USA | Fez |
12. Sam | http | USA | All |
13. Ashley | http | Canada | Kelso |
14. Ally | http | USA | Kelso |
15. Melanie | http | USA | Kelso |
16. Taylor | http | USA | Kelso & Fez|
17. Jessica | http | USA | Hyde & Jackie |
18. Victoria | http | USA | Eric and Kelso |
19. Mirka | http | Finland | Hyde |
20. Larissa | http | Brazil | Eric, Donna, & Kelso |
21. Glenn | http | USA | Red |
22. Anna | http | Israel | Hyde and Leo |
23. Manny | http | USA | Hyde |
24. Eva | http | Netherlands | Kelso |
25. Melissa | http | USA | Jackie & Kelso |
26. Fez | http | Fiji | Eric |
27. Jackie | http | USA | Jackie |
28. Mariana | http | USA | Hyde |
29. Elle | http | Canada | All |
30. Penny Lane | http | Brazil | Eric and Kitty |
31. Shaun | http | USA | Hyde |
32. Jennifer | http | USA | Eric |
33. Megan P. | http | Canada | Eric |
34. Ellen | http | Scotland | Hyde |
35. Duke | http | USA | Jackie |
36. Kati | http | USA | Hyde |
37. Diane | http | Australia | The Boys |
38. Sophia | http | USA | Hyde and Jackie |
39. Carmen | http | USA | Kelso and Eric |
40. Mary | http | USA | Donna |
41. Gill Rice | http | Canada | Eric |
42. Jenn | http | USA | Eric |
43. Lynn | http | USA | Eric |
44. Mischa | http | USA | Kelso |
45. Jess | http | USA | Hyde, Fez, and Eric |
46. Heidi | http | Sweeden | Hyde |
47. Vicky | http | USA | Eric and Donna|
48. Dustin | http | USA | All of Them! |
49. Raquel | http | USA | all |
