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Welcome to Dawn Garden

RPGers BBS a.k.a. The Dawn Garden Post Office
(Hey, y'all, use it!!! I didn't sign up for it for my health!!!)

Only days 'til Jena's 20th birthday!

Please pause before continuing for a moment of silence in memory of Kyle Caldwell, Mike Donahue, Alice Fish, Max Lachman, Megan Libbey, Jamie Sanderson, Rachelle Scoble, and those thousands who were lost on September 11th, 2001 in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C....

Thank you.

Welcome to Dawn Garden Estate. You are now on the property of Lady Jasmine Maria Talbain.

History: On April 20th, Jasmine DesChamps (maidofnightgarden) was in The Vampire Tavern on Yahoo!Chat when she noticed another character, the_kings_wolf, acting in a rather upset manner. That night began a very interesting (in the opinion of this page's author) storyline of role-playing (RP) that has resulted in several adventures, twists, and not a few tragedies.
There's a LOT more to this story than I can write here, so I won't bother, and I'll let you get to the fun stuff. The pages linked below explain each available character's past, and somewhat of what they've been up to. So, yeah, that's about it. Links to each character's profile are also available. Enjoy! =8-D

(Be sure to vote in my poll below! Thanks!)

Character Profiles:
The Garden, Friends, and Family
Jasmine Jon Andrew Juan Alexis
Christine Apollo LeeTah Angel Raven
Ruby Linness Lilia
Adina Thomas Marila Valiant Cole
Cynthia Genesis Krystiana Sindia Sephiroth
Jennifer Kenan Jace(?)
Kincora, Ireland
Áine(Anne) William Isabel Donogh Ardan
Skye Kyndig
Jordan Ares Alexandra Ronan Puson
Emerald Avena DeVan Lance Bryce
Kain Grant Dameon Karst Sita

Rules, Reg's, etc. etc. etc.:

"Where are the simple joys of maidenhood? Are those sweet, gentle pleasures gone for good? Shall a feud not begin for me, shall kith not kill their kin for me? Oh where are the trivial joys? Harmless, convivial joys. Where are the simple joys of maidenhood?" - Camelot (Thanks Jori!)

Points on the Crossroads Sign

The Portrait Gallery
Jasmine's Cottage
Christine's Kitchen
Jordan's Grave R.I.P.
Decon's Cabin
Ruby's Home
Adina's Garden(About the worst bit of writing I've ever posted...)
Lily's Pad New, larger location
Learn some of Payorn, the ancient Alernian tongue!
The Blue Moon Tavern and Inn - Jennifer Sedai's favorite tavern.
Four Dragons Inn - Neamh's place, even cooler than the Blue Moon. Burmecia
Kincora, Ireland: The Irish RPG according to Kevin. *bows to the man who allowed her NOT to need to make a page!* *sets the peasants about rejoicing*
The Post Master (All hail Ben Davis!) Note to Ben: Don't let this inflate your ego TOO much, sir.
Meet the gamer : Read her writing


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