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Hey! My name is Jessica Cody Jolie. I am 15 years old. I am a CHEERLEADER! This site is dedicated to the great (and difficult) sport of cheerleading. Anyone one who is or ever was a cheerleader knows just how demanding it really is. This isn't your mother's RAH-RAH-SHISH-COOM-BAH cheering. This a combination of dance, gymnastics, and pure power. It is as hard as any other sport but you have to keep smiling and happy through it all. Sound easy? I didn't think so. So come on in and enjoy my site!

  • Sideline Cheers
  • Tryout Tips
  • Gameday Beauty
  • Health and Energy
  • Bring It On
  • Coaches Corner
  • The Cheerleaders Hangout (Message Board)
  • Fundraising Tips
  • Ask Jessica

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