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Hiya. I'm Caitlin and thanks for stopping by my Page. I live on the East Coast of the USofA and was born October 13, 1986.

This is my web page and I'll do what I want with it. Now, what I want to do is share some of my favorite stories and some essays that I wrote. I'm pretty much a geek and egghead so if you're not into thinking and stuff like that, you might as well just keep on moving along.

Caitlin's Choice!

This is my Choice of the book to read if you're going to read any book this year. This tale is the story of Amy Louise Renfeld, "a girl of no great distinction." Karl C Klein takes us on an adventure with Amy, as in any good fairy tale tradition. This is really a "modern fairy tale," and is a very powerful story. Also, like any good fairy tale, this story is a social commentary. Mr. Klein takes an unblinking look at the pagan world as compared to the secular world and unlike Henry Thoreau, this is not Walden's Pond.

In my great wisdom I have decide that MANY people just don't know how to talk to each other. Instead of TALK, we can use the term effectively communicate.In my great wisdom, I have put together a short paper comparing DEBATE and DIALOGUE that's pretty easy for just about anyone to understand.

I guess since I'm talking about sharing what we know, I might give you some information on just how to LOOK at information. Just because something's written or someone says something doesn't make it so. I'll link you up to my bud's website here because he's got a pretty good paper on this topic. It's not that easy to read. I think he thinks everyone's an egghead but anyWAY, I think it a good paper on generally how to SEE information when it's coming at us.

Now some fun stuff. This essay is about life. I call it a Dialogue because, well, that's what it is.

This is not a story but a conversation between me and Karl Klein. This took place in an email exchange over two weeks. If was so cool, I edited for content and, well, here it is. It's about youth and elder; truth and not so truth. It's about trying to understand God.

I do lots of thinking and lots of writing. Someone asked me what I thought of the Ten Commandments and I really, really didn't know for sure. So, I looked at them, thought about them and wrote what I thought. I was surprised by what I found!

I got lots of different perspectives on God and some of them actually AGREE! So many people I meet want to hold my feet to the fire and make me come up with a short answer to the GOD question. I think maybe if someone DOES have a short answer, he just might be missing something. This is just one of my perspectives.

Before you roll your eyes on this one, you gotta have a look at it. This writing takes a long hard look at what Aristophanes had to say in the Symposium. If you brain ain't engaged, I wouldn't bothering opening this one!

This is my short list of witchy rules and regs! I'm kidding, of course. This is my short list of what I have come to know (so far) what witchcraft and being a witch is all about. Most of these rules are drafted right out of:

Makiala: She who is like God
Makaila's Legacy: The end of all things
Juliet's Quest: Battle for Humanity

by Karl C Klein

This is a GREAT STORY. If this story doesn't break your heart, you have no SOUL. It's an old Native American tale, my retelling of course. It's about the one who is different. As you read this story, take your white hat for a second and ask yourself, "When in my life do I beat up and cast out Scarface?" If you dare!

This is a really cool story about what can happen when we're scared to tell the truth. We hold the lie and it affects our whole life. As we see with Jessica, confession is very VERY good for the soul. This story is lots like George Washington and the Cherry Tree but in that story, we don't have the illustration of what happens when you DON'T tell the truth.

This is one of my favorite stories. It's about a pure love and what can happen when someone gets blinded to that love. AND, how that same love can heal and bring us back to where we ought to be.

EVERYbody's in seach of God and some people have even found GOD. This is a short story....a fable...about four people that actully get to check God out and what happens to them. To me, this is a REALLY great lesson to keep in mind!