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Hello there! Will, I'm glad you stopped by into our little universe here. Hope you enjoyed it so far. We haven't had much time to really work on it but its slowly getting there so hope you all could bear with us.

First and foremost, I'm Joil Xiong. I happen to be the oldest of us four here. We actually have two older sisters before me, so that makes me the third oldest!

Currently, I am attending CSU Sacramento. This will be my second year here. A lot of people have asked me how I like Sacramento so far and all I can say is, honestly, its okay...OKAY...I dunno, maybe I'm in the wrong places or something but, its not a blast or a bore here, so its OKAY... =)

I was actually born in Minnesota...but my family moved down to California when I turned, I believe, two years old. So basically Merced, California is what I consider my hometown....

What else can I tell you....a lot of things actually but then maybe next time....

Okay, hope you'll stay around and come back soon....