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VTW's Latest News

Latest News:
*For the year of 2001 get ready for VTW to be back in buisness and better then ever
* VTW will be getting either mattresses or wrestling mats on the ground by the trampoline for more excitment to the match
* The new VTW venue also includes A net around the trampoline to bounce off of, and on one of the poles holding the net up there is a little board to jump off of
* There is a new match added to vtw it is a "Superstar match" what it is, both wrestlers pick a wrestler from either from WWF, WCW, or ECW (hey wait i minute or from JCW) and they try to act like the wrestler(entrance,moves,taunts,music) and there are 3 judges basiclly it is more of a contest so even if someone gets pinned they can still win