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Name: MiKe
Age: 21
Status: LoSt In LuV
Sex: EvEryDay
Location: LoSt iN LuV
Nationality: ViEt
Aim/AoL: diz bE mikey
You made up your mind it was time it was over after we have come so far but i think there enough pieces of forgiveness somewhere in my broken heart i would not have choose the road you have taken it has left us miles apart but i think i can still find the will to keep going somewhere in my broken heart
PaGe LaSt UpDaTeD 1:43 pm
June 11, 2003 HeY waddup there ya`ll it been so long since i updated my page so iM so outta date so WeLcome 2 my wHAcky WhaCk page aighty before i go I just want to tell that one special person that i`m talking to that I miss her much and wishes she was here with me..... dats about it so late
Why Do I Still Love You? How could you deserted the love, That I devoted to you, When no one ever cared, And loved the way I do, When you were feeling down and low, And once my tears ran down my cheeks, Who was there for me? I gave my love, my life, and my time to you, But what did I receive in return. Tears, sorrow, and heartbreak, And a lifetime of memories to burn. Crazy, that after all this time, After all this sorrow and pain, My anger is revenged by stronger love, And much more hurt to gain. **** It was hard the day we said goodbye, i felt a crackinsidemy heart, that hurt me when we fell apart, until this day it`s still there, but you don`t know, you dont care, if only we could turn back time to never leave our love behind, but if the love is in my heart i would never want to be apart. **** WHILE WE’RE APART IT`S NOT EASY FOR US WHILE DISTANCE SEPARATES US. AS EACH DAY PASSES INTO ANOTHER, WE MUST LOOK FORWARD TO TOMORROW, KNOWING THAT WE ARE ONE DAY CLOSER TO THE DREAMS WE HOLD. IT MAY BE FRUSTRATING WHEN WE NEED A HUG OR WANT EACH OTHER`S COMPANY. IF WE FEEL ALONE, WE SHOULD CLOSE OUR EYES AND REMEMBER A MOMENT IN TIME WHEN WE HELD ONE ANOTHER... REMEMBER OUR SMILES, AND LISTEN TO OUR WARM VOICES, AND FEEL THE LOVE THAT SURROUNDS US. WE MUST LIVE EACH DAY TOGETHER, EVEN THOUGH DISTANCE KEEPS US APART. IT MAY SEEM UNFAIR AT TIMES IF WE FEEL NEGLECTED BY EACH OTHER... WE MUST UNDERSTAND EACH OF OUR NEEDS AND TAKE TIME OUT OF OUR SEPARATE WORLDS TO OPEN OUR HEARTS AND MINDS. LET`S LIVE EACH DAY, SIDE BY SIDE~ LET`S FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH OUR LOVE, FOR THEN OUR LONELINESS WILL LEAVE US. MISSING EACH OTHER WILL HELP US GAIN CONFIDENCE IN OUR TOGETHERNESS, AND WE`LL GROW WHILE WE`RE APART. **** I once had a broken heart Torn from years of being in the dark Until you came into my life Healed all my trouble and strife I onced don`t believe in love Believe God don`t love me from above Until he send u to me To make me once again believe He told me to put myfaith in ur hands And that you would be with me till the end His wordsofwisdom are so true Now in my heart theres only you A new life i wish to begin A life betta than the one I`m in Promise me you`ll bring me back into the light And holdme tight each and every night And whisper in my ears Allthose words iwannahear The simple I love you coming from urheart A promise to me that we`ll never be apart **** I just want to love you in my dreams Cuz reality is never like it seems To you I`m just a game in your list of endless names At least in my dreams i have all of you At least in my dreams your love is true I settle myself to ask for nothing more Nothing but to see in my dream the one i adore Reality is a damn cruel world People put on a front, u never know for sure People just do things to sastify themselves They never think about anybody else So i rather sleep forever to have u by my side Because in reality, all i do is cry.. **** Once i wished upon a star A wish too wide a wish too far I wished that we could be together i wished we could stay forever But i should had known better Nothing ever lasts forever I remember the feelings that night When i held your hands under the moonlight I felt like maybe it was a dream Maybe the feelings is not great like it seem Finally i did got a knock of reality It was a dream because u never did loved me... **** One day you will ask me whose life is more imporant: yours or mine, i would respond mine... and you would walk away not knowing that you are my life... **** If the only way i could be with you is through my dreams then baby i wish i could sleep forever.... **** DREAM I close my eyes at night To dream about your touch Then wake up in the morning Missing you so much I find you out of my reach Unable to feel your kiss Not having your soft touch Is what i really miss I`ll get to hold you close And see my favorite smile I`ll kiss your soft lips so much And feel your gentle touch I love you with all my heart And want to be with you so much Itseems like it`s so long UntilI`ll see you again My time with you is perfect I never want it to end. **** Can’t Be Without You Life goes on and on. From dusk till dawn I try To figure out what went wrong. Was I not there enough, just tell me what. I don’t know what went bad. I tried to give you everything I had. I told you that I care. When I was with you I Showed you that I cared I was always true I only cared about you. You were my one and only, The one that never let me lonely. You were always there for me But now you let me be Can’t you see? What can I do? I just can’t live without you. So remember no matter what you decide I’ll always be there by your side. Even if you just want to be A friend, I’ll be there for you till The end. **** I never really learn how to love Never seen my angel from above I never really know the feeling Only know that my heart needs healing Sometimes things stress me out And i would go to you and take it out Lifes sad enough for me But it was wrong to take it out on you Sometimes i run away, act cold to you But deep inside i really love you I never really know how to show it to you Maybe its better that u go find someone new But if you really love me for real Hard time is what you gotta deal I just wish no matter what happen in the future. We`ll always be friends, or even better.... **** Do you love me? Or do you not? You told me once, but I forgot.. So tell me now, and tell me true, So i can tell you, I love you too.. Of all the gurls I`ve ever met, You are the one, i’llnever forget.. And if i die, before you do, I`ll go toheavenand wait for you. and If you`re not there, by judgement day, I`ll know you went, the otherway... I`ll give the angels back their wings And risk the loss of everything.. To prove my love is true, I`ll go to hell and be with you. **** "Who do u go to when the only one to dry ur tears was the one who made u cry?" "It hurts to love someone and not be loved back in return, the worst thing is to love someone and not have the courage to tell him" "A sad thing about life is that when you meet someone who means a lot to you only to find out in the end that it was never anything to them and you just have to let go and move on." "Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they’ll love you back! Dont expect love in return, just wait for it to grow in their hearts but if it doesn’t, be content it grew in your." "Treat a lady good and she will never leave u, but if she does, then she wasn’t a lady to begin with! Angels come once in a blue moon so when u see one, never let it go!" Girls are like phones, we like to be held and talked to, but if you press the wrong button you’ll be disconnected! ****