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Have you been the victim of a


As an attorney specializing in Ellis Act evictions, Andrew Zacks and his wife, Denise Leadbetter, have assisted at least two dozen of San Francisco's greediest landlords in tenant evictions over the past two years. The landlords' shyster-of-choice, his victims have included hundreds among the elderly, the disabled, and the poor; and in exchange for his services, Zacks rakes in a cool $350 per hour. In his relentless pursuit of the Big Buck, Zacks has shown a callous disregard for the well-being and fair treatment of tenants; and in one recent article on him in the SF Bay Guardian, he was reported to have told one of his elderly victims:

"You are nobody...."

In the presence of a severe housing crisis - one which is a gold mine for profiteering landlords but a disaster for the rest of us - Zacks and his wife have built a lucrative family business out of casting rent-paying tenants onto the street. Zacks is noted for having never lost a case; and an attorney of his obvious skill could certainly earn a more-than-ample livelihood in almost any field of legal practice. Why, then, has he chosen to make his money in such a filthy and obscene manner?

Target Andrew Zacks! Target him with phone calls, letters, and e-mail messages explaining why he should stop doing what he is doing. Target him in a protest outside his home or office. Target him with a letter to the editor, or a note to the California Bar Association, especially if you or someone you know has been the victim of a Zacks attack. Target him with comments to us at Target Zacks! for publication on our website. If you have a housing- or gentrification-related website, contact Target Zacks! to arrange a link-exchange.

Make Andrew Zacks the most talked-about man in San Francisco!

Disclaimer: legal considerations require us to state that the creators of this site do not promote any illegal act of violence, harassment, or intimidation against any individual or group; and will not assume responsibility for any such act.

SF Bay Area Housing & Gentrification Links

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