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Tami Fox's Art Page

I Am Honored By Your Presence


Warm hellos to you. My name is Tami Fox and I reside in Fairfield, CA. I am delighted to share with you a part of my psyche that has allowed my individuality to be revealed. I am a spiritual woman with deep intuitions, unconditional self love and love for humans. I delight in sharing with like minded souls exchanging ideas about living our lives and exploring life`'´s mysteries. I honor you and your interest and hope you will be touched by my light as you experience my energy here.

Your True Self

I am talking to you
A voice you can hear
Your teacher is me
Only I really care.

You cannot still see me
You feel me a lot
You know when I'm with you
You fear when I'm not.

The times that you know me
And trust me are rare
Yet my love and support
Are consistently there.

Your mask I can see through
Which you often deny
But you see it too
When forgetting the lie.

On those too few occasions
When your truth is at hand
Your deceptions will crumble
To reveal my demand.

With your fear giving chase
You submit to my hold
Shrouding yourself with
The shame you've been told.

I can see through the pain
Through the hurt to the love
To the core of your being
As intended from above.

And when you reveal me
In the truest of senses
Is when you take risks
And let down your defenses.

You loved me much better
When we were so young
But now you forsake me
Your song has been sung.

My teachings are lessons
You are ready to learn
These pages of life
You are ready to turn.

The essence of being
That you're so longing for
Is patiently waiting
If you unlock that door.

It is time to surrender
To give up the ghost
To face all the parts
That you've hated the most.

Your truth will protect you
While embracing the pain
It will speed your recovery
It is growth you will gain.

I am here with you now
To enlighten your way
So give up the lies
It's the price you must pay

Your joy and your truth
Are now on the line
The choice is still yours
But the true face is mine.

This truth is your freedom
So be present with me
If you look in the mirror

Your True Self.

Tami Fox




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