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i am

On this journey, so long begun
yes still so largely incomplete
There have been so many victories won....
bruises in defeat

Along the way to self-aware
i have been shaped....i have become
Dreamed my dreams and learned to care
Begun to shine...bright as the sun

i have learned, too, that i have worth
to those around me, to myself
Lessons to learn from the moment of birth
Those learned - incomparable wealth

i have learned simply that.....i am

strong and charming, i am witty
Bright and loyal, honest and true
i am........inside, my body so pretty
Scottish eyes, so deep a deep blue

i am...vibrant, spiritual
Sensitive, tender and i care
My body responsive,sensual
i am...loveable, warm, i share

i can be thoughtless and silly, young
But growing i learn what i must
standing quiet and owning my fears
embracing my yearnings with trust

At last i know my own value
It matters not if you see it
Or if you do not...because i do
i feel it,i breathe it - i own it

And at the last, in doing so
i let my soul and my heart fly free
and deep, deep inside forever i know
i have worth, i am priceless, because i am -

© September 11, 1999

TigerTamer's spellbound

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