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Puffy de Dog's Wild Adventure Webpage

Puffy de Dog's current location: Washington D.C.

I would like to take this opportunity to enlighten you of the rising abuse of emergency vehicle antenna personnel [EVAP]. I have been the faithful EVAP of Mike's for several months. During which time I have endured scorching heat, temperatures raging into 120 degrees and above!! While they sit in the air conditioning, mocking me!! And the speeds, hairpin turns, screeching halts. The list goes on and on. Do you ever consider our plight? Nay, nay, you do not! For that very reason, I've taken a sabbatical and decided to go on an adventure. I've secured a replacement EVAP during my absence. Jack Antenna Ball #2459 should suffice for adequate coverage. I certainly hope that you extend #2459 the utmost care and respect he certainly deserves. I shall return once I've recuperated and have seen how other EVAP's live.

Everyone get ready, because Puffy de Dog's wild adventure has begun!! And I may be showing up on an emergency vehicle antenna in a town near you!!

Webpage Features
Puffy's email to Mike El Centro Adventure Imperial Adventure
USBP Adventure Holtville Adventure Yuma Adventure
Washington D.C. Adventure    

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