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Thanks for stopping by. Below are links to webpages I have put together. The pages that follow contain images, music and feelings that are from my heart...
I am so very pleased to be able to share them with you... :)
Many of these pages contain original poetry creations of mine....
All rights are reserved....Copyrights are strictly enforced.
I welcome your comments....and I sincerely hope you enjoy your journey!!!!

All my Love,


Click on the Photo Link
To see some of my pages

Butterfly Sweet Apparition Spring Winds

Morning Spring Wears a Crown

Love at a Distance Symphony Looking toward the Sky
Love when she dances How Can I Miss
As You Journey Eyes Could Not See Black Cat
Sonnet to Spring Winds Your Eyes Friendship

Moondance Letter To My Love Calling Out

She Stands Into My Arms

The Kiss Of Life Misty Morning Orange Blossoms

~~~Some New Pages~~~

Never Let You Go Meant For Me Man Loves a Woman
Morning Sonnet Between Darkness and Dawn Ebb & Flow

Ode To Diana Wherever Emily Goes If
When I Feel This Way The Mystery of Love Dreaming

How Many Times Haunted by Lost Love How Can I Sleep

***Holiday Pages****

Christmas Thoughts St. Patrick's Day
How Do I Love Thee? Easter Greetings
From Mother To Daughter

~~~Newest Page Additions~~~

The Keeper of Friendship Other Arms The Wind

Love Letters In the Sand True Friendship Forever Friend

What is a Friend? The Eyes of a Friend Twisting

~~~Favorite Songs~~~

For the First Time How Do I Live? Change the World

Wind Beneath My Wings Reflection Mated

If you enjoy my pages,
please email me!

And sign my guest book,
so I know you were here!

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