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wassup wassup wassup!! Today is Oct. 18, 2002...

I got MARRIED!!!!!..... and its a very LONG boring story so just wish me the best, alritee?? Been married for awhiles now... but I just thought I'd fill everyone on the good news... YUP, that means less time to pin up my photographs and even less time to take those photographs.... but its all gravy... Well, being single was fun while it lasted and to say... eventho I'm still very young.....(at the age of only 20) I'm happy to say I lived a fulfilling 20 years so far... alot of bullshit happened but ain't no regrets... Its a learning process... I'm also happie to say that my 20 litto years was really awesum despite of the bad times and there were some really bad times... like loss of frends, whether for life or just because of differencess.... but all in all... it was funn meeting soooo much brilliant peoples and it fun PARTYING....<>... so, to all who knows me and all who don't.... have a safe trip and don't forget to buckle up... life has no guarantees... even if u get married... hehehe..

*~*~ThE 411 On MeEh~*~*

*The Krew*

~*~Phase 1~*~

*~*~Phase 2~*~*

**~*Phase 3*~**

*^*^Phase 4^*^*

**^Phase 5^**

**^*Phase 6*^**

~~*~*Phase 7*~*~~

*^**Phase 8**^*

*^*^*Phase 9*^*^*

**``Phase 10``**

*`*^Phase 11^*`*

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