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Here are some poems by Adrienne. She is the poet in the group. We are both extremely deep but she takes the time to personally express her feelings or ideas.

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Yesterday my name was green eyed feline arching her back hissing at the sun for being too bright

Today my name was insecure little girl afraid of the monsters that hide under her bed ready to grab her ankles

Tomorrow my name will be seductive tigress moving in on the prey hiding in the thicket moving in at just the right time

My parents and friends think my name is shy innocent flower on the verge of wilting each petal a reason for life


Behind my eyes is a secret world

behind my eyes a unviverse so vast viewing the world in an array of colors

behind my eyes a small frightened girl hides behind the folds of the living room curtains while her parents fight with hurtful words

behind my eyes a seductive teenager pulling him closer as they lay in his bed

behind my eyes a scared anxious young woman applying for college butterflies in her stomach afraid of entering the real world

behind my eyes nothing is as it seems
