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Ph t graphy

Hello and welcome to my photography page. Photography is an excellent form of expression. I really like the idea of capturing a moment in time on film. Places my change, things may die but they will always live on through the means of photographs.

I have been interested in photography for about 6 years now. I took a 2 year hiatus from it but am back at it now and feel the urge to share my random shots with the world. What better way for a very unprofessional photographer to do that than the web?

So here is my attepmt at a webpage. I actually have created a few pages in the past. Anything I know about webpages comes from either Kate Lawless or my best friend of 20 years, Darren Smith. So if my page is not very good, you should place the blame in thier hands!

All of the pictures you will find on this page have been scanned with various scanners. Mainly, once again, Darren's scanner. They are not altered much aside from some occaisonal cropping due to my "artistic judgement". Basically meaning whatever looked good to me at the time of posting. Also, a great deal of them where taken in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

I will break them down into various catagories with notes on each. I also hope to include maps of the locations, just incase you are ever in the area and wish to see the real thing.

Immediately following this pointless babbling, you will find icons to guide you through the site. All you have to do is click on the icon. Take your time and enjoy what I may have to offer. The only thing I ask, if you wish to use any of the shots on your page or simply save them for your viewing pleasure, rather than just taking them... drop me an e-mail telling me what it is you like about the shot and I will be happy to e-mail you a copy. This is for no other reason than ensuring feedback on my work so I can improve.

News Flash !

Pic of the Year !

I love to golf! This is my third summer golfing and I am very, very bad. Like I said, I love it so I keep doing it. However, this past Saturday... May 13th, 2000... somewhere in the vincinity of 8:30 - 9:00 in the AM... I GOT MY FIRST PAR! It was beautiful. Off the tee, the ball took off like a rocket, fast and dead straight! Almost like a Happy Gilmour shot but not as far. It felt so great! I felt it connect and heard the PING> Anyways, it landed on the green, very close and perfectly lined up with the pin. Now I am going for my first birde. Thing is... I am the worst putter. There was a slight slope, I hit the cup, the ball spun a quarter of the way around the cup and rolled out. So I had to settle for par on the next put. Either way it is very exciting for me. I think I will try real hard for a birde, then find out what a hole in one feels like!

Okay, I did not take this picture. I believe my Aunt took it with your typical compact camera. This is my Uncle Mikey relaxing after one of his golf excersions and performing for the camera. If I had to pick a shot of the year, it would have to be this one because it is so damn halarious!

Me and my Camera The Photos Kingston,ON, Canada
CD/TV/Movie Release Dates...

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