[ ;_; ] Cruelty Has a Human Heart [ ;_; ]
dsyfunctional popcorn

? October 25, 2007

I rip off various movies: MOVIES!

June 18, 2007
Wow, its been a while. Something new:

The Thing About Stick Figures...

October 27, 2006
Sweet googly moogly! Reasons 42-50
September 18, 2006
Another six sock puppet reasons! Reasons 36-41.
September 13, 2006
Six, count'em six! sock puppet reasons. I have a couple of more but I was too lazy to put them up. Too much html all at once.

Reasons 30-35.


July 30, 2006
A Day in the Life... This one's a doozy! 20 pages of absolute crap... Hehehe.
June 2, 2006

Horrible Things My Sister and I Imagined Happening to Me on Our Road Trip: Part the Second

May 23, 2006

Horrible Things My Sister and I Imagined Happening to Me on Our Road Trip

February 11, 2006

Wow. Its been forever. Wish I had more to show then just these crappy pictures....

I did more Animal Kingdom.

Go here for just the new ones.

Go here if you want to start at the beginning.

September 26, 6:21pm
Sock Puppet Reasons 23-29
August 29, 6:04pm

When the fun stops

August 15, 3:15pm

Two more stories. Warning: The first one only Nancy will get so I don't know why anyone else would bother...

Story Nine

Story Ten

June 6, 8:30pm
Story Eight
May 13, 2:33pm
Another installment of Things That Make Me Laugh: Gambit's Vehicle of Choice?
March 31st, 10:19pm
She frightens us all...An Urban Legend
March 25, 5:32pm

Some more Sock Puppet Reason. Here are Reasons #16-22.

March 7, 6:02pm

I did this a loooonnngg time ago and just never uploaded... Nosferatu's Vacation Obviously, at the time, I was far more obsessed with Nosferatu than I am now.
February 17, 3:01pm
Wow. Its been a while and all I have is this crappy late valentine...

December 15th 1:04am
A mere amusement: Color Me and How does this work?

December 12th 8:35pm
Me and Nancy!!! Patrick and Panda!!


October 9th 6:12pm
pretty pretty pretty panda.

Story Seven

I rip off Godzilla

September, 19 6:08 pm

Story Six

I wish I was...

September, 17 7:49 pm

Did some maintenance. Fixed some links, cleaned up Archive Seven because it was a mess.

I've moved to livejournal so thats where all my updates are now. My Livejournal.

Thats it for now.

Here to There :~: Links:~:Email me: artepnorig@gmail.com