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SoCal Seabirds in '02 <bgsound src="/ca5/pelagics/midi/chariots.mid" loop=infinite>

Socal seabirds in '02
from Conception south

The birdfish socal pelagic yearlist....

This is a list of the seabirds I saw on socal pelagic
trips during 2002. That is, the trips on the schedule
page, which as stated, are intended to see all the
socal seabirds. Which months seen is listed behind
each species. "All" means it was seen on trips in
all months trips taken. See the 2002 schedule page
to see dates of trips in 2002.

Species seen in 2002 - RARE BIRDS are boldfaced
_ _ _ _ _ _ indicates others possible in that group

Black-footed Albatross - April, May, August, Sept.
Laysan Albatross - April
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Northern Fulmar - Feb., April, June, Nov.

Cookilaria Pterodroma Petrel - August
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

STREAKED Shearwater - Sept.
Pink-footed Shearwater - All
Flesh-footed Shearwater - June
Buller's Shearwater - August, Sept.
Sooty Shearwater - All but Nov.
Short-tailed Shearwater - Apr.
MANX Shearwater - Feb.
Black-vented Shearwater - Feb, Apr., Sept., Oct., Nov.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel - Apr.
Leach's Storm-Petrel - April, Aug., Sept., Nov.
Ashy Storm-Petrel - April, August, Sept., Nov.
Black Storm-Petrel - April, Aug., Sept., Nov.
Least Storm-Petrel - August
WILSON'S Storm-Petrel - Sept.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Red-billed Tropicbird - August, Sept.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Booby seen from shore - 1 - September

Red Phalarope - Feb., Apr., May, Aug., Sept., Nov.
Red-necked Phalarope - Apr., May, Aug., Sept., Oct.

Pomarine Jaeger - All
Parasitic Jaeger - Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct.
Long-tailed Jaeger - August, Sept.
South Polar Skua - May, June, Sept., Oct.
Sabine's Gull - Apr., May, August, Sept.
Black-legged Kittiwake - Feb., Apr., May, Nov.
Arctic Tern - May, August, Sept.

Common Murre - Apr., May, June
Pigeon Guillemot - May, June, Sept.
Xantus's Murrelet - All
HYPOLEUCUS Xantus's Murrelet - August
Craveri's Murrelet - August, Sept.
Ancient Murrelet - Nov.
Cassin's Auklet - All
Rhinoceros Auklet - Feb., Apr., May, Aug., Sept., Nov.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

(*Saw Marbled Murrelets in NoCal 3/02)

37 species of pelagics seen in socal,
from scheduled boats as of November 2002.
Plus the hypoleucus, and Booby from PV Peninsula
Me thinks this will be the most pelagics
seen by one observer in one year, in socal.

In case you didn't see it in the LA TIMES,
at the risk of being redundant, I'll reiterate
it here, because it's sooo dang funny to me!
"What to a novice looks like a black speck
on the horizon, Heindel can identify in a second."
11/03/01 - in an article about an LAAS pelagic trip.
Funny, huh? :):):)

© 2002 Mitch Heindel
