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Object Scans

Here will be some scans
of things that might be interesting....

Scans by Mitch Heindel - © 2003

Anyone else have these? Put out
by New York University, a series called the
Hall of Fame for Great Americans. Bronze

Typical California: put anything on a postcard
write CA on it, and sell 'em!
Clearly the hummingbird is not a North American
species, AND its been turned to horizontal format
from the vertical it originally was!

A Texas postcard is a much more
sophisticated affair. I actually bought 50 of these
and sent 'em all over while a travelling salesman.
Told everyone that's where I was!
You know: Wish you were here, instead of me.

I believe this is a
Ceanothus Silk Moth. Found DOR (dead on road)
at Blue Ridge, eastern LA Co., at 7000'.

This is a far too used guitar pick
in front of a new one! (Dunlop .46)
I can't believe I did that to it, but the
pick slides were awesome if you like ZZ Top.

pierced flower

The holes in the bases
of these Red Turks Cap flowers are of interest.
They were made by a "Sordid" Warbler (Orange-
crowned Warbler of the race sordida). Many of
the flowers in "my patch" have been pierced.
I watched it do it, and the bird is very
violent in poking the hole into the flower.
It then nectared on it, and moved to another
flower. I am having a hard time coming up with
references on flower piercing by Orange-crowned
Warblers. It seems to do this most in times of
inclement weather, when other food sources
are somewhat limited. Now if I can just get
a picture of the bird doing it!

fossil bird egg

This fossil bird egg I
found in El Segundo, CA. It was in a pile of
illegally dumped construction (excavation)
dirt. I worked for a guy and one day we
came in to find the pile of dirt dumped
in the parking lot. For 6 months, every day
I would walk around the pile. I told others
it had excellent fossil rock potential.
They laughed, I kept looking. One day I
spotted this familiar shape... EUREKA!
The Museum people said since the depth
of the excavation was unknown it would
be impossible to do anything with ID. But
one friend suggested the small bit of
dried yolkish looking matter in the bottom,
might be "DNA-able". Hmmmm......

I'll find some more
stuff to scan and put here in the future.

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