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Our current newsletter (under construction)
Fast Start Leader Training (courtesy of Tecumseh Council, OH)
Mt. Diablo Silverado Council
Smoke Signals - MDS Council newsletter
U.S. Scouting Service Project - a great resource
Scoutlink IRC


Welcome to our Pack's home on the web!

Founded in 1997, Pack 155 has provided a quality Cub Scout program for over 7 years. Currently, we have more than 45 scouts in our pack and trained, experienced leaders. We have also 'bridged' dozens of boys to Boy Scouts where they have continued the path of Scouting. Our Pack meetings are the second Friday of every month, which are held at Knightsen School, 1923 Delta Rd., Knightsen, CA at 7PM. Our Pack meetings are where all of our dens come together to share in the fun and their achievements. This is a family event where everyone has fun! The scouts take turns in conducting our flag ceremonies, skits, and receiving their advancement awards. We also have Trading Post every other month so boys can 'cash' in the beads they have earned for good deeds. The pack remains active during the summer also, but at a more relaxed level by having field trips, picnics, and games!

Our pack's basic philosophy is to go places, do things, and spread the spirit of Scouting. Over the years, we have had sleepovers on the USS Hornet and USS Pampanito; visited San Francisco, Old Sacramento, the Presidio, space observatories, museums; and participated in so many civic activities and service projects that they can't be listed here! Hiking and camping are also regular activities. Come join us for non-stop fun and learning.

Additionally, each den / patrol has a meeting one (1) day each week during the school year to work on rank and badge requirements. Anyone who would like to visit us may do so...just stop on in and join the fun!! A boy and/or adult is registered with our pack once a BSA application is completed and turned in with the registration fee. Our annual recharter fee is $19.00 per year. Monthly den dues for each boy is $10.00 per month which helps the Den Leaders supply craft materials needed for the den, instant recognitions, fund field trips and purchase monthly advancements and awards.


Pack Committee Chairs: Jody / Connie
Cubmaster: Marco
Asst Cubmaster: Jerome
Advancements: Heather
Secretary/Treasurer: Jody
Historian / Librarian: Jerome

{Webelos II} Bulldog Patrol 2: Michael / Heather (Asst) / Zach (Den Chief)
{Webelos II} Wolverine Patrol 6: Jamiesa / Jody(Asst) / Jay (Den Chief)
{Webelos I} Dragons Patrol 3: Marco / Shannon (Asst)
{Bear} Den 4: Janice / Jerome (Asst)
{Wolf} Den 5: Tom / Lisa (Asst)

Thank you for visiting our page at Angelfire. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions; or, if you or someone you know might be interested in joining our Pack, please feel free to contact the author at the below address, and please sign our guest book.

We are proud to serve the east Contra Costa communities including Oakley, Knightsen, & Bethel Island.

It's a GREAT day for Scouting!!

Please come back and visit again!

Webmaster: Jerome

last updated on 30 JUL 2004
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