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About Us


A former resident of beautiful, sunny, smoggy Southern California, I currently reside in Washington state. At the moment, I'm a Biology major at Eastern Washington University, and will soon be switching jobs because the company that I work for is shutting us down (can you think of who that might be? =oP ). I started this webpage out of boredom when I was a sophomore in high school, and can you believe it's still here?!

AIM: xxSoCaliAngelxx
eBay: xxSoCaliAngelxx


Hey, I'm Chris,
And aperently I'm supposed to be this realy importamt figure in this web site. I say this because FUCKIN Nina keeps REMINDING me to write my damn bio. So here I am.... writing my bio. My life realy is boring so i have nothing to write...except I'm all into games (TFC, cS, and lots of NES and other classic gaming), 80's cartoons (Thundercats, Transformers, Rainbow Brite, etc....). So any ways... I suppose I'm done. Unless Nina busts out with a whip and starts yelling me to write a whole fuckin paragraph on this shit. until next time folks... CYA!!!
AIM SN: Fifav


Susan is a crackhead! ;oP

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