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Ol' Dirty Bastard

Skip the intro and go to the stuff:

When ever you hear ODB or Ol' Dirty Bastard, or any of his nickanames you probably think of this crazy guy who has 13 children and is always getting arrested. He comes up on stage during the Grammy's to shout "Wu-Tang is for children!" he steals 50$ Nike shoes, he saves a four-year-old girl from getting killed, he almost gets "blown up" at the 1998 MTV Video Music Awards. And the thing I find interesting is there's like 20+ more things to talk about.

Well, hi! My name is Chrissy a.k.a. Method Gurl and I decided to make a webpage about the ODB, the guy who claims to be God. It seemed like something fun to do. So I decided to start the webpage. Hope you enjoy! :)



Interview Bio
This is a bio where they interviews the ODB and he kinda told them biographal stuff.

Informational Bio
This is a bio is probably more useful and understandably if ya need some info for or something or just wanna "know-it-all."

Photo Gallery
Some pics of the ODB. Hope you enjoy! :)

Photo Gallery 2
Some more pics of the ODB. Hope you still enjoy! :)

Photo Gallery 3
Even more pics of the ODB. Hope you still continue to enjoy! :)

A list of the ODB's songs along with pics of the CD.

News Highlights
Here are a few ODB news articles.
ODB Saves 4-year-old Girl
The Grammys
ODB Claims He's Jesus
Shoe Shoplifting

People's Thoughts
Peoples' thoughts about Ol' Dirty Bastard.

Message Board
A place to post about the ODB!

Speaks for itself.

Webrings I joined.

For those peoples who wanna know about me.

Before you leave, do me one big favor. Please either sign my guestbook or Slam Book. I would appreciate it so much. Thanks and PEACE! :)

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