"And if you were with me tonight, I'd sing to you just one more time. A song for a heart so big...god wouldn't let it live. May angels lead you in. HeAr YoU mE mY fRiEnDs..."

HeHe, That's Me, posing 4 the camera, I am so cool I know LoL jk jk

Feeling   Bored
wearingHoodie and soccer shorts
listen   Howie Day - Sorry so Sorry
Last film watched   Lord of the Rings
read  Monster


K Guys, it's been awhile, but I updated my picture pages, as well as the friends page, but mind you, that page *IS* UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Whoop Whoop you know. Ahh and Glick, Hook, andMerdy are gonna be seniors, and Stacers is gonna be a big bad Junior. That's so odd...I remember when Big Hook and Dirty Hook were little freshies. How craayyyzay. Anywho, Jenn's having a party the day school gets out, so that should be pretty chill. And look HERE for new pictures...and HERE for the newest pics. AHH UPDATE y'all!!! PARTY PICTURES HAVE BEEN POSTED!!!! CHECK EM OUT JO's and Hawaii PICTURES! CELEBRATE CHECK EM OUT ---Kate

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*Pictures from my trip 2 France In June*