A Stupid Story
by Chelsea Mac

part 1
The beautiful actress Chelsea Mac was sitting backstage hurriedly putting on make-up 5 minutes before the Broadway play that she was in was about to start. She still had to put on a most elaborate costume and do her hair. What was she going to do? She didn't have time to do all these things 5 minutes before the huge Broadway play that the beautiful actress was in started! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA," she screamed. "I don't have time to do all these things 5 minutes before the huge Broadway play that, me, the beautiful actress, am in, starts!" PART 2
Intro: What will the beautiful actress (oh, enuff of that already!) Chelsea Mac do when she doesn't have time to get all ready in 5 minutes before the huge Broadway play starts?

Finally, the play started and she ran out on stage, with a dastardly piece of toilet paper hanging from the bottom of the only shoe she had on! SHe had an oversized Sunny Delight t-shirt on, a half zipped up skirt, and her hair was sticking up like a palm tree! She smiled sheepishly, then tripped over a pencil and fell smack down on her face! D#@* (dang) she screamed. THe audience stared in shock, then burst out laughing! OH, how she wished she could sink right throught he floor right then. "OH, how I wish I could sink right through the floor right now!" And suddenly, suprising her so much that she litarally wet her pants, I mean, partially zipped up skirt, the floor started to open up! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" she screamed. Tumbling, tumbling, tumbling, until she came upon the famous major league baseball player, Shauna Johns, who was also tumbling, tumbling, tumbling. THen, they came upon Rudy Mendez, who was also tumbling, tumbling, tumbling. Then, they came upon Scott Sturzenacks, who was also tumbling, tumbling, tumbling. Then, they came upon...

Intro: ...some other odd person who I have no idea why is tumbling, tumbling, tumbling, with Chelsea, SHauna, Rudy, Scott, and numerous other people that are just too weird to mention. SO, there they all are, tumbling, tumbling, tumbling, when Shauna calmly says to Chelsea,"so, Chelsea, the beautiful actress that likes to be in plays, where were you when the floor opened up?" ANd thus, the story unfolds for the third time...

..."Well, Shauna, I was on the stage of a Broadway theater, and the play had started too early, and I ran on stage in the various assundry on me now, and tripped on a pencil and screamed D#@* (dang)..." and you guys know the rest.

"WOw, thats pretty bad," said Shauna. "I was eating an apple in my backyard when the tree suddenly morphed like in Matrix and swallowed me up!"

"WOw, that's pretty bad," said Rudy. "I was sitting on the toilet when the devious toilet monster ate me up." "Wow," Scott said. "That's pretty bad. I was lost in the woods with my sister, Gretel, and an evil witch with a candy house grabbed me and stuck me in a small prison and stuffed me with more food than i could stand!" he cried. "Im just so worried about my self-image now, I just, I just, I just feel tho fat, now. You know?" "YEs, lets all sit in a circle and share our problems with one another," said Andrea Walking. "Then we'll sing Jesus Loves Me and Kumbayah..."

INtro: So there they all are, singing Kumbayah (does anyone know how that is really supposed to be spelled?). Suddenly, someone of an unmentionable name lets out a deathly SBD, and everybody starts melting where they sit!...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Chelsea screamed. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" screamed everyone else. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" screamed the whole world. "AAAAAAAAAAA..." ....no. THen, JOrdan Sugars with his super superpowers zooms in with the Match of Doom! "Aha! I have zoomed in with the Match of Doom!" he cackled with a great cackle. "OH, my hero!" sighed Janice Cha Cha. "Isn't he dreamy?" said Natalie to Chelsea. "Yeah, honey, whatever you say...I understand your problems," comforted Chelsea. "Quick, everyone, exit the area!" said JOrdan Sugars with his super superpowers. "Where do we exit from the area?" said Christiana Hair. "Well...duh! YOu exit through the exit door!" he stated. "I detect a hint of sarcasm in your voice," said LIsa FOng. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" screamed Jordan. "Get OUT for the last time, or I shall strike the Match of Doom on YOU!" he menaced. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" screamed Lisa. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" screamed Chelsea. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" screamed Mickey Lopez. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" screamed Mikey Slivers, histerically. "AAAAAAAAAAA" screamed...no. "Now, everyone stay calm," said Jackie comfortingly. SO, everyone ran in an "AAAAAAAAAAA" sort of panic toward the exit door, and found that it was only a BRICK WALL! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" they all screamed.

Intro: AFter they all got done screaming like this:...nevermind. They all turned around and started slowly coming towards Jordan Sugars with his super superpowers. "YOU! YOu just want to have (NOTE: Allison Morgan had been huddling in a corner all this time.) Allison all for yourself!" yelled Chris Gillette Razor Boy accusingly. "Yeah!" the crowd yelled. "NOOOOO! I shall NEVER succumb to your evil wiles, Chris Gillette Razor Boy! NEVER! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha..." cackled Jordan Sugars with his super superpowers...

SO, the crowd kept coming toward him, closer, closer, closer...when, suddenly, they all landed on soft cushy pillows, for they had been falling all that time. Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee, they all laughed hysterically. "These pillows are really soft!" stated Amanda DeYung hysterically. "These pillows are very soft!" stated Chelsea Mac hysterically. "These pillows are completely soft!" stated Laurie Liao hysterically...no. ANd there they stayed for ever and ever Amen glibly laughing about how soft the pillows were.

Meanwhile, on a little ledge that only two people had found and landed on while all the rest of those weird peoples had landed on pillows and chattered on incessantly... It was NOOOOOTTTT Hector and Chelsea!!!!! WAAAAASSSSS...Bethany and Shawn! There they were, in a constant Kodak moment, in blissful making-up, (cross that, its making-out) forever hooked together by their little pinkie and because Jeremy's hair gel was so sticky, Lauren's hair was stuck to it like super glue, so they couldn't really get apart anyways.
The End!!!!