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All About Me/Five Senses

September Color Focus: Red and Yellow

Body Tracing

Have each child lay down (face up) on a large piece of white butcher paper.Use a black marker to trace around their body outline.After you have cut out their outlined body,have each child fill in the details. ie;their face,hair,clothes,shoes,etc.

Hand Prints

Set out a variety of colors of paint for the children to paint their hands with. Let each child paint the underneath of their hand and "stamp" it onto a piece of white or light colored paper.The children seem to really enjoy painting their own hand.Let them choose as many colors as they would like to print.

Touch Collage

Cut out pieces of different textures of paper such as foil,sandpaper,corragated cardboard,etc.Have the children glue them to a background piece of paper and then label them with the words:smooth,rough,soft,etc.Have the children use their new "descriptive words to descibe each object on their paper to their classmates.As you point to each item, have the child use the texture descriptive word to describe their art work.

Taste with your Tongue

Cut out a tongue shape out of pink construction paper and have the children glue cut out pictures of their favorite foods from magazines.The caption at the top of the tongue could read "We taste with our tongue".

Feely Bag

Fill a brown paper bag with items from the classroom that have different shapes and textures.Show children each item before you put it in the bag and give each item a "name".After the bag is full of the different items, have each child come up to the front and reach down into the bag without looking.Have them try to identify the item by the sense of "touch" only.Ask them to use descriptive words to desribe the item as they are trying to guess what it is.(long,rough,etc.)

Body Parts Puzzle

Purchase the pre-cut body shapes(or cut out your own)from a teacher supply store.Use scissors to cut body shape into six different pieces,seperating various body parts(head,arms,legs,body trunk).After cutting apart the different body parts have each child put the body parts back together like a puzzle.Provide each child with a piece of construction paper to glue their "body puzzle" on.

Eye Color Graph

Make an eye color graph on a piece of poster board by drawing three eyes at the top of the page. One green eye, one blue eye, and one brown eye. Then at circle time ask each child what color their eyes are.(You can even provide a mirror for them to look into to decide. After you graph each child's eye color, count how many of each color you have in your class and then have them go to the tables and draw a self portrait of themselves using the correct crayon for their eye color.

My Book of Smells

Construct a book using 1/2 sheets of constuction paper with 5 or 6 pages that are stapled together at the sides. Let children spread glue onto each page and smear various spices onto the glue.Label each scent with the spice name at the bottom of the page. See if they can recognize the scent just by smelling each page.

Magazine Eyes

Cut out an "eye" shape out of white paper and have children find and cut out pictures from magazines of different "eyes" to glue onto their piece of paper.

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